First Day Advice for New BI Users from a Technical Trainer

As a technical trainer, I teach large groups of business users with various backgrounds and technical abilities to become proficient at creating reports and dashboards using our BI Software.  All users have different expectations of what their experience will be like and question whether they’ll be able to learn the software.  So, on the first day of class, I like to offer the following advice to reassure trainees.

It’s easy to use, but you’re still going to have to practice …

Yes the software is easy to use, but it’s going to take some time and practice before you can master it. Unlike a simple consumer app for your phone or tablet, this is a highly specialized application that performs very complex operations in a matter of seconds and has its own set of subtleties and nuances.  But, if you stick with it, I promise you it will pay off in the long run in terms of time saved and information learned.

The program is extremely flexible…

Data can be manipulated at the data modeling stage or during report or dashboard development.  Formatting can be applied to elements through the properties menu, from the toolbar or other menus.   And when you mess up, most mistakes can be fixed with a click of the ‘undo’ button.  You’ll find that the program is very accommodating to new users and different workflows.

There are several ways to find the answer…

During training, students are always welcome to shout out questions as they arise.  But they’re always worried about what will happen after training ends.  Take comfort in knowing that all of our software includes a library’s worth of documentation, while our website hosts a user forum, how-to videos, and access to our support channel.  There’s no shortage of information or help available.