InetSoft Webinar: How Fast Data Analytics Needs Change in Healthcare

Below is the continuation of the transcript of a webinar hosted by InetSoft in April 2019 on the topic of Using Analytics to Increase Staffing Productivity and Improve Hospital Operations.

In healthcare the business rules, the use cases and vocabularies change rapidly. By the time one has spent two to three years turning the data into meaningful insights, business cases have changed. Another approach would be the independent data mart. I have seen many organizations use this model.

This is a bottom-up approach where you create different data marts. In fact there are independent data marts for patients, in-charge, providers, visits, orders, EOP, EMR, and human capital. People tend to bring all the data from many, many sources from the system for the reporting and analytic needs. But then when a combined view is required, it's difficult for them to integrate the data from the data marts that they already built because the data mark do not contain the data at the lowest level, and usually the data has been transformed in a data mart and is summarized in some level.

My team has learned from these challenges, and we wanted to do it differently, and here is how we do it. We have gone through so many stages of development to survive. We adapted and changed continuously. Your journey and our journey through life involves the most remarkable physical transformation. We grow from a single cell to an incredible organism and run and leap into the future.

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First you must learn how to crawl and stand. Then we put one foot in front of the other. It requires enormous effort. With every movement, our brain takes in a huge amount of sensory information, processes it at lightning speed, and then coordinates the tendons and muscles. It takes time to master the skill but once we know it, it becomes automatic. So we would like to use this concept, and apply to our IT and our operations. We crawl, we walk, we run, and then we leap in. I would like to share with you those strategies.

How do we crawl? The organization performance measurement is an OPM website that we built in our first year. It started with 600 static reports in a dashboard. The ability to do analytics was limited because of the performance of the database. It was slower back then, and it did not permit what we wanted to do.

Next we focused on creating monthly dashboard reports. And you can see on the screen there were lots of them. We had dashboard reports for labors, throughput, supply, patient care services, and so on. Each report was created using InetSoft, and they are very simple to create.

In the second year we entered into a journey where we walk. We began to push information to the users. A few hundred thousands of email and text messages were sent to users. All of this information are fully automated and orchestrated by a machine 24x7, 7 days a week pushing the data to the top management down to the employee's level. The data was refreshed daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. At this stage the work that we were doing was very well received. The increase of usage of information was evident.

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In the third year, we were beginning to run. I would like to share with you the labor project. The goal for this project was to support daily operations with staffing for 55 inpatient units. Remember when earlier I talked to you about how there is a data model. We had integrated data in ways so that we can reuse information, when the information came from the source, we left it as raw data.

When the business case is required, we just take up enough information to provide for the business needs and left the information in a raw stage. When this labor project came, we reused the same information, much of it already processed a couple of years ago and most of it was newly developed for this particular project. My team was carefully integrated the data in ways so that it won't take us time to redo all the data that we need for this project. We integrated data from Vizient, PeopleSoft, Epic, TeleTracking and Soarian. This project was very well received.

Previous: Hospital Reporting Tool Solution Next: Hospital Human Capital Analytics Project