One of the Best Internet-based Reporting Tools

Are you searching for an online reporting solution for your business? InetSoft Technology's Style Intelligence is a complete BI suite that offers reporting and dashboard capabilities in a zero-client web-based environment. Get:

Pixel-perfect report design

Interactive report viewing

Flexible data mashup


The Benefits of Web-Based BI | System Requirements

Internet reporting tools have many advantages over desktop reporting tools. First and foremost, when a program is hosted online, there are no system requirements. This means the capabilities of the software not bottlenecked by hardware constraints.

The only platform necessary to use Style Intelligence is a Web browser. All major browsers are supported: Chrome, Firefox, IE, etc., and they allow users to view and modify reports from just about anywhere.

The Benefits of Web-Based BI | Shareability

Being online means being connected, and being connected means being able to share. With an internet reporting tool like Style Intelligence, your users can simply and easily share information with any number of other interested parties.

Style Intelligence, in particular, has support for collaborative features between users, such as annotations and bookmarks. Annotations allow you to write comments to be shared in-document with other users. Bookmarks let you save all settings in a particular display so that other users can view a report or dashboard from the same perspective.

InetSoft's dashboard tool excels in offering versatile shareability options, ensuring that insights can be easily disseminated across an organization. Users can share dashboards in several formats, including direct web links, embedded HTML, and scheduled email reports. This flexibility allows stakeholders to access crucial information in the way that best suits their workflow, whether they are in the office or on the go.

The tool's robust access control features allow administrators to define who can view, edit, or share dashboards, ensuring data security and compliance with organizational policies. Additionally, InetSoft supports role-based access, enabling tailored views and permissions based on user roles. This ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel while maintaining a collaborative environment.

Moreover, InetSoft's dashboards are interactive and can be shared with real-time data updates. This ensures that recipients are always working with the latest information, which is vital for making timely decisions. The tool also integrates seamlessly with collaboration platforms such as Slack and Microsoft Teams, further enhancing its shareability. By providing a comprehensive suite of sharing options, InetSoft's dashboard tool fosters a culture of data-driven decision-making and collaboration across all levels of an organization.

InetSoft's Web-Based BI | Data Mashup

A feature unique to InetSoft's application is data mashup based on a patent pending technology known as Data Block. Data Block is a foundation by which disparate data sources are mashed up using SQL queries in the form of Lego-like bricks. This technology empowers business users by enabling them to perform complex data transformation functions through simple drag-and-drop.

InetSoft's data mashup tool stands out in the realm of data transformation due to its ability to seamlessly integrate and manipulate diverse data sources. This tool empowers users to combine data from various databases, applications, and even cloud services, creating a unified view that is essential for comprehensive analysis. By enabling the blending of structured and unstructured data, InetSoft's tool eliminates the traditional silos that hinder effective data utilization. This capability is particularly beneficial for organizations looking to harness the full potential of their data assets, allowing for more informed decision-making processes.

The transformation capabilities of InetSoft's data mashup tool are robust yet user-friendly. It offers a range of functions to cleanse, enrich, and reshape data, ensuring that it meets the specific needs of the business. Users can perform operations such as filtering, aggregating, and joining data sets with intuitive drag-and-drop features. This ease of use reduces the dependency on IT departments and empowers business users to take control of their data transformation processes. The tool's visual interface simplifies complex transformations, making it accessible even to those without extensive technical expertise.

Furthermore, the real-time data processing capabilities of InetSoft's tool ensure that users have access to the most current information. This is crucial for businesses that rely on up-to-date data to make strategic decisions. The tool can handle large volumes of data efficiently, thanks to its optimized architecture and scalable performance. Whether it's for routine reporting or advanced analytics, the ability to transform and analyze data in real-time provides a significant competitive advantage.

In addition to its technical strengths, InetSoft's data mashup tool is designed with usability in mind. The learning curve is minimal, thanks to comprehensive documentation and support resources. Users can quickly become proficient in using the tool, which accelerates the deployment of data-driven initiatives. The combination of powerful data transformation capabilities and an easy-to-use interface makes InetSoft's data mashup tool a valuable asset for any organization looking to enhance its data management and analytical capabilities.

Behind the Tech | About InetSoft

Since 1996 InetSoft has been delivering easy, agile, and robust business intelligence software that makes it possible for organizations and solution providers of all sizes to deploy or embed full-featured business intelligence solutions.InetSoft solutions have been deployed at over 5,000 organizations worldwide, including 25% of Fortune 500 companies, spanning all types of industries.

why select InetSoft
“We evaluated many reporting vendors and were most impressed at the speed with which the proof of concept could be developed. We found InetSoft to be the best option to meet our business requirements and integrate with our own technology.”
- John White, Senior Director, Information Technology at Livingston International

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