InetSoft Webinar: Agile BI - Transforming the Enterprise BI Application Life Cycle

This is the continuation of the transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft on the topic of "Agile BI: What is it and why should you care?" The speaker is Mark Flaherty, CMO at InetSoft.

Our mission here with agile BI is to really radically transform the enterprise BI application life cycle. We are seeking to lower complexity and improve productivity and lower cost, especially TCO. From a technology infrastructure perspective, we are helping at the data access and data integration levels. We make it possible to skip ETL processes and other data integration pieces typically used for building data models and data warehouses.

Our BI platform offers direct access to almost and data source with the unique data mashup capabilities that other vendors sell as data virtualization. So in one solution you have the necessary data modeling tools plus multi-dimensional or OLAP analysis functions plus advanced data visualization tools plus traditional reporting plus interactive dashboarding.

So essentially you’re getting a single interface to build the data model and at click of a button you can then start to report and analyze and visualize your data without needing to switch tools and set up different metadata, and so on. And you can do all of this through a traditional on-premise deployment or you can do it through on-demand deployment in a cloud hosted infrastructure.

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So how does traditional BI and agile BI compare to each other? Traditional BI is plagued by the slow moving iterations where you start with requirements at the top, you move into the design phase that might take a few weeks or months, and you move into the development phase that will take more weeks and months, and then you finally deploy the finished application to your end-users. Meanwhile several months had gone by and as I said early on, times have moved on. Business users, their requirements have changed and you get this big gap between requirements and analysis, requirements and deployment of the application and the ability for IT to keep up with business requirements.

In contrast, agile BI, what this is ultimately about is really speeding up that cycle. That can mean more closely coupling developers and end-users so they are working alongside each other. It can mean skipping ETL steps to build data mass and data warehouses. And it means with a few mouse clicks the ability to visualize a report and build dashboard against that data, without huge gaps of time intervening.

Because dashboard or report development takes only minutes, then it is not painful to iterate on the finished product when end-users change their mind after the initial versions are ready for review. And there is seldom a need to change the data model and change the ETL flows and so on. There are even levels of self-service that can eliminated even more of the development loop necessary to ensure the BI application meets the needs of the users. So that’s really what agile BI all about. It's radically speeding up that development and deployment cycle of the BI solution.

Case Study: Enhancing Land Surveying Operations with Agile BI

GeoMetrics, a prominent land surveying firm, faced several operational challenges due to the dynamic nature of its projects and the necessity for precise data management. With projects ranging from residential property surveys to large-scale infrastructure developments, the firm needed a more agile and responsive approach to handle the influx of data and ensure timely, accurate deliverables. By implementing an Agile Business Intelligence (BI) solution, GeoMetrics was able to streamline operations, improve accuracy, and enhance client satisfaction.


GeoMetrics traditionally relied on manual processes and static reports to manage survey data and project timelines. This approach often resulted in data silos, delays, and inefficiencies. The lack of real-time insights made it difficult for project managers to make informed decisions and track project progress effectively. Recognizing the need for a more dynamic and integrated BI solution, GeoMetrics decided to adopt Agile BI to better meet the demands of their growing client base and complex projects.

Implementation of Agile BI

GeoMetrics partnered with a leading Agile BI provider to implement a comprehensive solution that integrated seamlessly with their existing systems. The key components of the Agile BI implementation included:

  1. Centralized Data Repository: Consolidating data from various sources, including field survey data, GIS systems, and project management tools, into a centralized data warehouse.
  2. Real-Time Data Analytics: Providing surveyors and project managers with real-time access to data, enabling them to monitor progress, accuracy, and resource allocation through interactive dashboards.
  3. Self-Service BI Tools: Empowering employees to create, customize, and share reports and dashboards independently, reducing the reliance on IT support.
  4. Iterative Development: Utilizing an iterative approach to develop and refine BI tools, allowing for rapid adjustments based on user feedback and evolving project needs.
  5. Collaboration Platforms: Integrating collaboration features to facilitate communication and data sharing across teams, promoting a culture of transparency and data-driven decision-making.

Benefits Achieved

The Agile BI implementation brought about transformative benefits for GeoMetrics, impacting various aspects of their operations:

  1. Improved Data Accuracy and Quality The centralized data repository ensured that all survey data was consistently updated and validated, reducing errors and discrepancies. Real-time data analytics allowed surveyors to detect and correct issues promptly, enhancing the overall accuracy and quality of the survey results. This led to a 30% reduction in data errors and rework, ensuring higher precision in deliverables.

  2. Enhanced Project Management With real-time access to project data, project managers gained better visibility into project status, timelines, and resource utilization. The Agile BI solution enabled them to make informed decisions quickly, optimize resource allocation, and proactively address potential issues. This improved project management efficiency and resulted in a 20% increase in on-time project delivery.

  3. Increased Field Efficiency Surveyors in the field could access and input data in real-time, streamlining the data collection and reporting process. The self-service BI tools allowed surveyors to generate and submit reports directly from the field, reducing the administrative burden and turnaround time. Field efficiency improved by 25%, allowing GeoMetrics to complete surveys more quickly and accurately.

  4. Enhanced Client Satisfaction The Agile BI solution provided clients with real-time updates and interactive dashboards, offering greater transparency into project progress. Clients could track survey milestones, view deliverables, and receive timely updates, enhancing their overall experience. Improved communication and responsiveness led to a 15% increase in client satisfaction, resulting in more repeat business and referrals.

  5. Data-Driven Decision Making The integration of data from various sources and the availability of real-time analytics empowered employees at all levels to make data-driven decisions. The iterative development approach ensured that the BI tools remained aligned with the firm's evolving needs, continuously enhancing their decision-making capabilities. This data-driven culture enabled GeoMetrics to identify trends, optimize processes, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Previous: What Is Agile BI Development?