InetSoftWebinar: The Last Paradigm Is Production Reporting

This is the continuation of the transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft on the topic of "Applying Business Intelligence to Manufacturing." The speaker is Mark Flaherty, CMO at InetSoft.

Then finally the last paradigm is what we call production reporting. We email you something. Its reporting and dashboards, but it doesn’t have to be something that you go and request. It could be something that shows up for you automatically. One of the ways that we use it at our company is we look at forecasts, and we get an automatic delivery of what everybody’s forecast is.

We see how they are doing according to their plan, and as a result we all know exactly what's going on without even doing any effort. Sometimes these things overlap. You start off with the canned report, but then you realize you want to find something else, so you got to an ad hoc reporting wizard.

You determine what you want to look for, manipulate the information and then you can publish that as a new dashboard. Now everyday you get that information just showing up, and that can be very helpful to people who need more and more information.

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And I’d like to point out that this is only talking about people who are internal or business users, internal to your company right now, but one of the best facts about all of these very simple ways of receiving information, whether it is production reporting or interactive dashboards, is that external users find them very easy, too.

When you talk about somebody like a retailer who is trying to help their suppliers know what needed to go to them because of certain kinds of promotions, you can’t force your suppliers to learn a new BI tool. You can’t train them on these visual analytical applications. So being able to have the external customers be able to see oh, here’s this report, and this is what our distribution partner is going to need from me, that’s a tremendous benefit to those suppliers. It’s a tremendous benefit to the relationship between the two companies which is win-win for both the manufacturer and the retailer as well and any distributors that are involved in between.

So I’ve gone on for a little while now and I want to make sure that we got some time for questions so what I’d like to do now is like to point out that there is an evaluation form on the screen. We take your evaluations very seriously, both pro and cons. If you have stuff that you’d like to find out about in more detail, you’d like to see in future webinars, you think we did certain things well or certain things badly today, we would really appreciate your feedback on that. And of course, if there are other people who you would like us to reach out to who might benefit from this information we’d like to know that as well. That goes both by the way for us as a technology vendor, InetSoft, and our professional services team. You can talk to them about strategy and research and that sort of things. Both of those will be very useful.

I’d like to thank everyone today for coming out and listening to if you are listening to the recorded version, thank you very much for download that and we appreciate you time and we hope you find it worthwhile. Thank you everyone for your time today. We appreciate all of your attendance, and we look forward to working with you soon.

Previous: Guided Ad Hoc Reporting Is Like eBay