InetSoft Webinar: Can a Data Lake Be Based on Hadoop?

This is the continuation of the transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft on the topic of "10 Biggest Big Data Trends."

And the last question, it's a good one, so even for the data lake, is there a single framework? Can a data lake be based on Hadoop? Or is that not even a good approach?

And I think that the answer here is again there is no one-size-fits-all, and companies do different things. We see Hadoop being used incredibly often as the data lake, and that is probably the default option, but that Netflix scenario Larry talked about earlier Amazon S3 is really the data like, and that is the whole data store.

Amazon announced a product called Athena which will enable querying against the data in S3. So now it's opening up the data store for more interactive connectivity, but companies are taking a multi-tiered approach, especially in the cloud where there is a simple storage bucket like an Amazon S3 or Azure Blob or Azure data lake with Microsoft. That's even a layer below Hadoop, and so there isn't a one-size-fits-all which is easy.

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Larry: And then one thing I would like to add that is the company should choose whatever technology allows them to build and consume at the same time, and this also ties back to the waterfall questions. Build first and consume later. That paradigm has been it for years. So regardless of whether it's an analytics platform you are evaluating or a warehouse, if this is allowing you to look at your data, provision it to users, answer questions all simultaneously, that's the best platform for you.

Abhishek: Great. And I think that is a perfect place to finish this webinar. So thank you everyone for joining us. Hopefully you found it enjoyable conversation informative. We certainly did, and thanks for the fantastic questions. We will be sending out a recording of this to everybody who attended, in the next couple of days and thanks for your time and have a great day.

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