University User Support Dashboard

This is the continuation of a transcript of a presentation by Stu Worman from Indiana University at an IT conference for university IT professionals.

So what is a dashboard? When you think of your car, the dashboard gives you some information. It tells you how fast you are going, how many miles you have gone, how much gas you have, what the temperature is. So it is giving the driver information, but it is not necessarily telling the driver what’s wrong. It might say that your oil pressure is low, but it doesn’t tell you, hey you have a leak, or maybe you’re burning oil.

What I am trying to do is help you understand here that this dashboard is really a management tool for you to use, but it is only as effective as the use to which it is put. Information can be out there, but you really have to be able to interpret the clues, know that data, know what is going on, and then act on it.

You also need to have date that is representative so that it tells you something like that there is a gauge that saying something is changing versus just a light saying, ok, you have a hot engine. Something changed, and now you are really in trouble. You want some indicators to know that you have something that is starting to go wrong, and then you take action.

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Let me show you what our dashboard looks like. This is my university user support dashboard. This is our master report. These are all of my organizations and the top things I need to know every day. So I can go in here and look and say “does this look normal or not?”

This is our residential services. This is our operators, our call centers. You see that they get about 4 to 5,000 calls every weekday. These are weeks. These are on different campuses.

I have trained myself so that I know when the graph looks like this, it’s about right. Nothing is really happening to worry about. These are the contacts for the support center. You can see Monday and Tuesday are the biggest days, and we’ll look at the data a little bit more.

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