Enterprise-wide BI Deployments

Below is the continuation of a transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft on the topic of Pervasive Business Intelligence. The presenter is Mark Flaherty, CMO at InetSoft.

Is there a trend towards enterprise-wide BI deployments?

Mark Flaherty (MF): I think in the past, BI really has been deployed departmentally. But increasingly, it is being treated as an enterprise application. Organizations are recognizing that business intelligence really is that important. I think BI should be treated as an enterprise solution and I hope that’s the way, the direction the industry continues to move in.

What are the top three tips or best practices for people who are just getting started with BI?

MF: Even if you are just getting started, make sure that you have a big vision of where you want to take BI in your company. But absolutely, start small to learn about the different facets of business intelligence, to understand the challenges not only from a technical point of view but also from an organization and political point of view, and take that one application that could be a big win in terms of the value added to the department or to the company or perhaps solving a current pain.

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And beyond that, make sure that your project is jointly staffed by IT and business experts, and make sure you get that executive-level sponsorship. So maybe for one prototype or one initial application, you won't have executive-level sponsorship. But when you have success with that first application, make sure then you engage that executive of that business unit or that department to become your champion to engage other business units. Interviewer:

And if people already have a BI application in place but are facing adoption or deployment challenges, what are your top three tips for how they should try to optimize the application?

MF: In terms of optimizing the application or deployment, follow some of the same best practices as if you were starting out from the beginning. But in order to understand where your challenges are, do a SWOT Analysis. Look at your strengths, your weaknesses, your opportunities, and threats, and understand why BI has not been the wild success in your company that you want it to be. So some of those weaknesses might be data quality related, or it might be the business-IT partnership, or it might be the BI tools. Understand what those weaknesses are but also recognize your strengths. And then the other thing is, don’t forget, you can never just sit still. Having success with one application or one business unit, you need to make sure that BI is working in all parts of the organization. And to do that, you need to promote your successes internally.

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How can you speed up the deployment of BI software enterprise-wide?

Speeding up the deployment of Business Intelligence (BI) software enterprise-wide is essential for organizations seeking to derive maximum value from their data assets in the shortest possible time frame. To accelerate this process, several key strategies can be employed. Firstly, organizations should prioritize the selection of a BI software solution that offers rapid deployment capabilities, such as cloud-based platforms or pre-configured templates. Cloud-based BI solutions enable quick setup and scalability, allowing organizations to bypass the complexities associated with on-premises installations and focus on extracting insights from their data.

Secondly, fostering a culture of collaboration and communication across departments is crucial for expediting BI software deployment. By involving stakeholders from various business units early in the process, organizations can gain valuable insights into their unique data requirements and ensure that the selected BI solution aligns with their strategic objectives. Additionally, establishing clear channels of communication between IT teams, data analysts, and end-users can facilitate seamless coordination and knowledge sharing, accelerating the implementation timeline.

Leveraging agile methodologies can significantly expedite the deployment of BI software enterprise-wide. By breaking down the implementation process into smaller, manageable tasks or sprints, organizations can achieve incremental progress and quickly iterate on feedback from end-users. This iterative approach not only accelerates the deployment timeline but also enhances the agility and responsiveness of the BI implementation team, enabling them to adapt to evolving business needs and requirements.

Investing in comprehensive training and user enablement programs is essential for driving widespread adoption of BI software across the enterprise. Providing end-users with the necessary knowledge and skills to leverage the BI platform effectively can minimize resistance to change and accelerate the transition to data-driven decision-making.

Additionally, offering self-service training resources and user-friendly documentation can empower employees to explore and analyze data independently, further accelerating the deployment process. Lastly, organizations should prioritize data governance and security considerations throughout the deployment of BI software enterprise-wide. Establishing robust data governance policies and implementing stringent security measures can instill confidence in end-users regarding the reliability and integrity of the BI platform.

By addressing data privacy concerns and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements from the outset, organizations can mitigate potential roadblocks and expedite the adoption of BI software across the enterprise. Overall, by adopting a strategic and collaborative approach, organizations can significantly accelerate the deployment of BI software enterprise-wide, unlocking the full potential of their data assets and driving competitive advantage.

Previous: Lessons for Creating a Successful BI Application