Visual Analytic Reports &

Online/Offline Document Reports

Easy Start and Rapid Deployment
with Free Dedicated Assistance

visual and document reporting

Award winning, trusted by 5,000+ customers since 1996

G2 Crowd Reporting Software High Performer
Software Advice Reporting Application  FrontRunner
Easily prepare data and design visual reports in a single Web App
Built-in, in-depth self-service reporting for all users
Bring reporting software to your data, in-cloud or on-premise

Risk Free Starter:

We create reports with your data (or mentor you to do so)
You use the reports/software for free (as a single user)

Business Users: Interactive Reports with Rich Customization and Ad Hoc Reporting

Built-in, in-depth interactivity and customization allows business users to dynamically reshape pre-designed reports for changing business needs with zero training. Ad hoc reporting further empowers business users with direct access to underlying data assets in a governed and secure environment.

Designers: Rapidly Prepare Data and Design Visual Reports

Designers can prepare and mashup data from many data on-line and on-premises sources. Report design is integrated with data preparation in a single web app. The same web app also includes a user portal where designers can engage business users even during report design.

Data Specialists: Mashup Machine Learning with Business Intelligence

InetSoft's built-in machine learning foremost allows data scientists easily productionalize ML models so that business users can visualize and interact with machine learning models. ML and BI mashup delivers a level of intelligent reports that's not possible in traditional reporting solutions

Sample Customers