Increase Agility with Traditional BI Infrastructure

This is the continuation of the transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft on the topic of "Analytics and Agile BI." The speaker is Abhishek Gupta, Product Manager at InetSoft.

There is another way to increase agility with traditional BI infrastructure. It is probably a more expensive and more difficult to do, but is also one of the low hanging fruit that we have seen our clients deploy is that even they have a very heavy investment in the entire environment right, both ETL data warehouse and BI.

Let’s say you have thousands and thousands of canned report that you really can’t give up. You can’t really think about re-writing them in a different tool using a different technology, then switching your data warehouse architecture would be a low hanging fruit. You could keep all of your SQL. You can keep all of your queries and not change them.

Just switch your row type relational database to a columnar type relational database. SQL will still work, and basically they are migrating from one database platform to another. All of a sudden your queries run faster, and you are tuning for query optimization.

Your requirements for tuning, for query optimization, and physical data modeling all of a sudden really becomes much, much less significant. So these are a couple of ways to think about it. Try to either get started with a different BI tool, or if your BI investment is really heavy potentially try to make your environment more agile by replacing your older less agile database architecture.

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Your requirements for tuning, for query optimization, and physical data modeling all of a sudden really becomes much, much less significant. So these are a couple of ways to think about it. Try to either get started with a different BI tool, or if your BI investment is really heavy potentially try to make your environment more agile by replacing your older less agile database architecture.

And this question is from Marina, is the InetSoft BI application very easily integrated with the .Net framework.

Yes. Marina, it is. For organizations who are heavily invested in a Microsoft environment: .Net, SQL server, SharePoint, what can InetSoft do? So some of our clients have been using our APIs to really do everything from gathering different pieces of content and making it a part of .Net applications to even doing different types of functionality operationally on the server.

Style Intelligence is easy in the way that integration really takes place in an easy manner through those APIs. In the past we had web service APIs using SOAP. Now we have for a JavaScript API to build that right into your front end and then also the rest APIs are available. And one question from Sasha is, is self service BI also using the in-memory concept?

Read the top 10 reasons for selecting InetSoft as your BI partner.

Yes, absolutely. Self-service and in-memory are not synonymous, but rather what I would suggest to our listeners is to think about is this way: in-memory is one of the components of self-service agile BI. When a database is loaded in memory you have a lots more options to manipulate that data on a fly.

If you are working with a disk-based database your flexibility to perform what IF analysis is only as good as the data model, and I would say if the data model permits you to do this type of analysis, then you are good. If it doesn’t, then unfortunately you stuck until your call your database administrator or data modeler and have them change that data model according to your new requirements, and that obviously can take a day sometimes, sometimes weeks and sometimes even longer.

Can You Host the InetSoft Solution Anywhere?

InetSoft's solutions, which focus on business intelligence, analytics, and dashboard reporting, are designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for various hosting options to cater to different organizational needs. Here are the primary hosting options available for InetSoft solutions:

1. On-Premises Hosting

  • Description: Organizations can choose to host InetSoft solutions on their own servers within their own data centers.
  • Benefits: This option provides complete control over data security, access, and compliance with internal IT policies. It is ideal for companies with stringent data privacy requirements or specific regulatory compliance needs.
  • Considerations: Requires a dedicated IT team for maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting. Initial setup and hardware costs can be higher.

2. Cloud Hosting

  • Description: InetSoft solutions can be hosted on cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Benefits: Offers scalability, flexibility, and reduced infrastructure costs. Cloud hosting allows for quick deployment and easy scaling of resources based on demand. It is a good choice for organizations looking to reduce their IT overhead and benefit from the scalability of cloud environments.
  • Considerations: Dependence on internet connectivity and third-party service providers for uptime and security. Organizations must ensure compliance with data governance policies of the chosen cloud provider.

3. Hybrid Hosting

  • Description: Combines on-premises and cloud hosting to leverage the benefits of both approaches.
  • Benefits: Provides a balance between control and flexibility. Critical or sensitive data can be stored on-premises, while less sensitive operations can be managed in the cloud. This approach offers the scalability of the cloud and the security of on-premises hosting.
  • Considerations: Requires robust integration and management strategies to ensure seamless operation between on-premises and cloud environments.

4. Managed Hosting Services

  • Description: InetSoft offers managed hosting services where they take care of the infrastructure, maintenance, and updates.
  • Benefits: Reduces the burden on the internal IT team, providing expert management and support. It allows organizations to focus on using the solutions without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
  • Considerations: Typically involves recurring costs for the managed services, which should be weighed against the benefits of reduced IT workload.
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