InetSoft's Award Winning Business Intelligence Reporting Software - Perfect for Small Businesses

Searching for better report tools? Do you want a tool that effectively presents data and manages information?

Deliver highly graphical, visually appealing, and interactive views into your data with InetSoft's Web-based visualization-driven reporting software.

As an innovator in reporting software since 1996, InetSoft has pioneered this evolution towards visualization-driven reporting, and its award-winning software has been deployed at thousands of organizations worldwide and integrated into dozens of other application providers' solutions serving vertical and horizontal markets of their own.

Try a free evaluation copy of Style Intelligence, InetSoft's all-inclusive business intelligence software platform that includes the reporting application, Style Report Enterprise, and the dashboard application, Style Scope.

#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index Read More

Why InetSoft?

InetSoft's performance dashboard application is easy enough to be:
  • Deployed in just weeks
  • Learned by end users with minimal training
  • Used by any executive without the aid of IT
agile enough to be:
  • Adaptable to changing data and business needs
  • Used for data exploration through visualization
  • Capable of maximum self-service
and robust enough to:
  • Attract the attention of executives
  • Meet the demands of power users
  • Scale up for organizations of any size

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About InetSoft

Since 1996 InetSoft has been delivering easy, agile, and robust business intelligence software that makes it possible for organizations and solution providers of all sizes to deploy or embed full-featured business intelligence solutions. Application highlights include visually-compelling and interactive dashboards that ensure greater end-user adoption plus pixel-perfect report generation, scheduling, and bursting.

InetSoft's patent pending Data Block™ technology enables productive reuse of queries and a unique capability for end-user defined data mashup. This capability combined with efficient information access enabled by InetSoft's visual analysis technologies allows maximum self-service that benefits the average business user, the IT administrator, and the developer. InetSoft solutions have been deployed at over 5,000 organizations worldwide, including 25% of Fortune 500 companies, spanning all types of industries.

Read the top 10 reasons for selecting InetSoft as your BI partner.

Case Study: The Transformation of "Classic Cuts" Barber Shop with Reporting Software


"Classic Cuts" is a small, family-owned barber shop located in the heart of a bustling suburban neighborhood. Established in 1995, the shop has built a loyal customer base over the years, priding itself on providing high-quality haircuts and a warm, friendly atmosphere. However, with increasing competition and the need to modernize operations, the owner, John, recognized the importance of adopting technology to stay ahead. This case study explores how the implementation of reporting software transformed Classic Cuts' operations, customer service, and overall business performance.


Classic Cuts had been operating successfully for over two decades with traditional methods. John, the owner, managed appointments manually, tracked finances using basic spreadsheets, and relied on word-of-mouth and walk-ins for business. While this approach worked for many years, it started to show its limitations as the shop faced new challenges:

  1. Increased Competition: New, modern barber shops and salons with online booking systems and sophisticated marketing strategies were drawing away potential customers.
  2. Operational Inefficiencies: Manual tracking of appointments and finances led to frequent errors, double bookings, and difficulties in managing peak hours.
  3. Lack of Customer Insights: Without a system to track customer preferences and visit histories, it was challenging to offer personalized services and promotions.

The Solution

To address these challenges, John decided to implement a comprehensive reporting software tailored for small businesses in the service industry. After researching several options, he chose a solution that offered a range of features including appointment scheduling, customer relationship management (CRM), sales and inventory tracking, and detailed reporting capabilities.


The implementation process was gradual and involved several key steps:

  1. Staff Training: John and his team underwent training sessions to familiarize themselves with the new system. The software provider offered tutorials and customer support to ensure a smooth transition.
  2. Data Migration: Existing customer data, appointment logs, and financial records were migrated to the new system. This process involved inputting data manually and integrating with existing digital records.
  3. Customization: The software was customized to meet the specific needs of Classic Cuts, such as setting up service categories, pricing, and staff schedules.
  4. Testing and Rollout: The system was tested during a trial period to ensure it functioned correctly and met the shop's requirements. Once confident, John fully transitioned Classic Cuts to the new software.

Key Features and Benefits

1. Appointment Scheduling

Feature: The software provided an online booking system that allowed customers to schedule appointments through a website or mobile app. It also included features for managing walk-ins and notifying customers of available slots.

Benefit: This significantly reduced double bookings and scheduling errors. Customers appreciated the convenience of booking appointments online, which increased customer satisfaction and retention. Additionally, the software's automated reminders reduced no-shows by 30%.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Feature: The CRM module tracked customer preferences, visit histories, and feedback. It allowed John and his team to record notes on each customer's preferred haircut style, products used, and any special requests.

Benefit: With detailed customer insights, Classic Cuts could offer personalized services and build stronger relationships with its clientele. Personalized reminders for regular customers and targeted promotions based on visit histories led to a 20% increase in repeat business.

3. Sales and Inventory Tracking

Feature: The software integrated sales and inventory tracking, providing real-time data on product sales, stock levels, and reorder points.

Benefit: This helped John manage inventory more effectively, reducing instances of stockouts and overstocking. By analyzing sales trends, he identified the most popular products and services, enabling better inventory management and increased sales by 15%.

4. Financial Reporting

Feature: Detailed financial reports on revenue, expenses, and profit margins were generated automatically. The software also provided daily, weekly, monthly, and annual summaries.

Benefit: John gained better visibility into the financial health of Classic Cuts. The insights from these reports helped him identify areas of overspending and opportunities for cost savings. Improved financial management and strategic decision-making resulted in a 10% increase in overall profitability.

5. Marketing and Promotions

Feature: The software enabled targeted marketing campaigns through email and SMS. It allowed John to segment customers based on various criteria such as visit frequency, service preferences, and spending habits.

Benefit: Tailored promotions and discounts attracted new customers and incentivized existing ones to return more frequently. Seasonal promotions and loyalty programs, supported by the software's marketing tools, boosted customer engagement and drove a 25% increase in new customer acquisition.

Results and Impact

The implementation of reporting software had a transformative impact on Classic Cuts. Key outcomes included:

  1. Improved Operational Efficiency: Automating appointment scheduling and inventory tracking streamlined operations, allowing the staff to focus more on customer service rather than administrative tasks.
  2. Enhanced Customer Experience: The ability to offer personalized services and the convenience of online booking improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Increased Revenue and Profitability: Better financial management, effective marketing campaigns, and improved inventory control contributed to a significant increase in revenue and profitability.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: Access to real-time data and detailed reports enabled John to make informed decisions, plan strategically, and respond proactively to business challenges.
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