InetSoft's Airtable CRM Dashboard Example

Airtable is a popular cloud-based spreadsheet-database hybrid with the features of a database but applied to a spreadsheet. Well-designed for sharing from disparate locations, users can create a database, set up column types, add records, link tables to one another, collaborate, sort records and publish views to external websites.

Airtable's collaboration service features a CRM template, which provides real-time access to your accounts, and is ideal for teams of all sizes. InetSoft's Style Intelligence features a connector for Airtable CRM, as well as a plethora of other cloud hosted and on premise data sources. With a powerful data mashup engine, users can developer dashboards that incorporate CRM and other organizational data from marketing or finance data sources, for example.

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Mashup Airtable CRM With Other Data

Discover insights without limits by mashing up Airtable with any other datasource

InetSoft's data mashup technology is the foremost tool for both designers and end users who want to bring together disparate data from multiple sources. Moreover, its built-in machine learning engine enables the mashup of machine generated intelligence with human intelligence, bringing data mashup to a new level.

Host Your Airtable CRM Dashboard in the Cloud

Give your user's the power to discover new insights anywhere, anytime

Install dashboards into the cloud by yourself or allow us to help you connect data sources and build dashboards in a cloud hosted solution, known as our turnkey cloud dashboards.

With a turnkey solution, InetSoft's technical staff can assist in taking care of all necessary setup procedures to help you quickly deploy cloud dashboards. For a flat one-time charge, InetSoft's professionals will deploy their BI dashboard application on the cloud platform. From there, they will connect your data, build a data mashup across multiple sources if needed, and finally create interactive cloud dashboards personalized for you.

why select InetSoft
“Flexible product with great training and support. The product has been very useful for quickly creating dashboards and data views. Support and training has always been available to us and quick to respond.
- George R, Information Technology Specialist at Sonepar USA

Case Study: Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction at a Lending Institution through CRM Dashboards

Bahamian Corporate Funding is a mid-sized financial services company specializing in personal and commercial loans. Established in the early 2000s, the institution had grown steadily but faced increasing competition and operational challenges. To stay competitive, Bahamian Corporate Funding needed to enhance its customer relationship management (CRM) processes and improve overall efficiency.


  1. Fragmented Customer Data: Customer information was scattered across multiple systems, leading to inefficiencies and errors in customer service.
  2. Inconsistent Customer Experiences: Without a centralized view of customer interactions, it was challenging to provide a consistent and personalized experience.
  3. Limited Analytical Insights: The existing systems lacked robust analytics, making it difficult to gain insights into customer behavior and loan performance.
  4. Time-Consuming Processes: Manual processes for tracking and managing customer interactions were time-consuming and prone to errors.


Bahamian Corporate Funding decided to implement a comprehensive CRM system with integrated dashboards. After evaluating several options, they chose a leading CRM platform that offered customizable dashboards, real-time analytics, and seamless integration with their existing systems.


The implementation process was carried out in several stages:

  1. Data Consolidation: The first step involved consolidating customer data from various sources into the CRM system. This included data from loan applications, customer service interactions, and marketing campaigns.
  2. Dashboard Customization: Custom dashboards were created to meet the specific needs of different departments, including sales, customer service, and management.
  3. Training and Adoption: Employees were trained on how to use the new CRM system and dashboards effectively. This included hands-on workshops and ongoing support.
  4. Integration: The CRM system was integrated with other key systems, such as the loan management system and marketing automation tools, to ensure seamless data flow and consistency.


The implementation of CRM dashboards brought about significant improvements across various aspects of the business:

  1. Enhanced Customer Insights: The dashboards provided a 360-degree view of customers, allowing staff to access detailed information about customer interactions, preferences, and loan history. This enabled more personalized and effective customer service.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Automated workflows and real-time data updates reduced the time spent on manual processes, allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks. The dashboards helped streamline operations and reduce the likelihood of errors.
  3. Better Decision-Making: With access to real-time analytics and performance metrics, management could make informed decisions quickly. The dashboards offered insights into loan performance, customer satisfaction levels, and sales trends, aiding in strategic planning.
  4. Increased Customer Satisfaction: By providing a more personalized and consistent experience, customer satisfaction and loyalty improved. The ability to quickly resolve issues and respond to customer needs resulted in higher retention rates.
  5. Enhanced Sales Performance: The sales team could track leads and opportunities more effectively, leading to improved conversion rates. The dashboards allowed for better tracking of sales activities and performance against targets.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: The CRM system helped ensure that all customer interactions and data handling processes complied with industry regulations, reducing the risk of compliance issues.


Within the first year of implementing the CRM dashboards, Bahamian Corporate Funding experienced measurable improvements:

  • Customer Satisfaction Scores: Increased by 15% due to more personalized and efficient service.
  • Loan Processing Time: Reduced by 20%, thanks to streamlined workflows and better data access.
  • Sales Conversion Rates: Improved by 10%, with better lead tracking and follow-up processes.
  • Operational Efficiency: Significant reduction in manual tasks, allowing staff to focus on customer engagement and strategic initiatives.

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