Linking Data Discovery to Unified Information Access
Now let’s talk about linking data discovery to Unified Information Access. Here the idea is the user is using one data discovery application to get to all kinds of information through one interface. Web content is a growing source of information, and we seem BI trying to expand to integrate search, we could explain UIA a bit and how it may differ from what BI has done.
One interesting example is the idea providing context for key performance indicators. Users are often frustrated with performance management systems not having enough information to fulfill or to meet KPI needs, and there’s a real potential there. Unified Information Access or UIA is really a new way of looking at information access, information management, and data discovery.
Traditionally you did have the two worlds of enterprise search to deal with content and you had data warehousing in business intelligence to deal with structured information. There have been many attempts over the years to try to bridge from one way or the other to mash up those sources of information. We found that really taking the approach and saying look, regardless of how the information originated it is important. It hasn’t come from a database. It may have come from a system log. It may have come from someone writing an e-mail. It’s all information that is valuable.
So a Unified Information Access platform is designed to treat all data, regardless of origin, as just that, information that has different attributes in terms of some information has more structure than other information, but eventually at the end of the day, it’s all metadata and text and information contained in documents, e-mails and database records.
A couple of elements enable you to take all that information and deliver on the current demands of speed of information and deep analysis. A UIA platform really focuses on enabling you to rapidly integrate new sources of information and have embedded text analytics and embedded language processing. They provide a lot of agility in terms of managing data, especially when it comes to things like schemas.
Having those schema list approaches also supports a multiple analysis and access mode. That’s a really a key point. Traditionally if you have someone coming from a search approach, saying we’re going to use search to master all the information, you really find that for all the questions a business needs to answer, not all of them take the form of keyword search and likewise not all of these inquiries take the form of a SQL statement.
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So the Unified Information Access solution not only brings you information together but exposes that spectrum of query capabilities. On top of that, it can bring you new access modes like the interactive dashboard I talked about. UIA platforms are really critical for delivering a flexible responsive managed kind of self serviced data discovering environment that can bring together deep analysis by looking across all the information, while supporting access modes that enable discovery and new paths of inquiry into information.