InetSoft Webinar: Examples of Companies Using Analytic Scorecards

This is the continuation of the transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft in February 2018 on the topic of "Business Intelligence Agility" The speaker is Mark Flaherty, CMO at InetSoft.

Can you provide some examples of some companies using these analytic scorecards?

Okay. For example, a pharmaceutical company is trying to measure the relationship they have with key thought leaders and doctors. So they have a thought leader engagement index, they call it. They identify within each field who are the big thought leaders, who are people writing the books, writing the papers or are influential over other doctors and other academics.

They’ve identified these top 15 or 20 people around the world, and then they measured the relationship they have with them. The highest level of relationship might be a doctor that will go to seminars for you and talk about the wonders of your product to other doctors. You’ve been working together for years and they have total trusting, friendly type relationship.

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Another doctor might be one that won’t even give you an appointment, and you’re still just communicating through emails and phone calls, and so you have the beginnings of a relationship there, but maybe they don’t trust your pharmaceutical company, and they’ve had bad relationships with you before, and so that would be an example of somebody you’re trying to get a first date with whereas the other one would be like a marriage.

Another example is a company that’s in the textile business. They call this gauge their matrimonial index, and that’s something everybody understands. The bottom of the scale is a lunch date and the top of the scale is married and they will love each other eternally.

So that to me is an example of an index. Another client, a bank, has an employee satisfaction index. One of the measures in there is how much do employees work on a regular basis. How many hours do they work? They can track when they go home at night but still spend two hours at night going through all their emails, they are still working.

Then they do a weekly how was your week survey; red, yellow, green, and you do it when you turn in your timesheet. If you had a green week you feel guilty getting paid, you had such a great week. Yellow is it’s pretty typical, but that’s why you get a paycheck, and the red is you’re thinking about putting your resume out there.

So everybody put this in there on a weekly basis and it gives them a way to measure the overall level of stress on a weekly basis. That goes into the index and they do focus groups once a month with a random selection of eight or ten employees and ask them ten questions and then they track turnover as a measure. They track absenteeism as a measure, and they track unused vacation time, people who don’t take their vacation because they are too stressed out or too overworked. So all these roll up into an index that says what level of employee satisfaction do we have in our company. So those are just a couple of examples indexes for complicated things that are hard to measure.

One of our listeners asks, wouldn’t it be necessary for each business unit to have the basic same measures in order to run the business as a whole? How is it done if each group is mutually exclusive?

That’s another great question, and the answer is they do need to have the same measures. That’s why this takes a lot of time. This big pharmaceutical company has various business units, and there is slight differences in how they measure even financial measures of performance, which you’d think would be standardized, but they are not. This tends to happen even more so in companies that have acquired other companies. So when they buy the other company they have their own unique metrics.

All this has to be standardized in order to roll it up to the CEO level. If I’m the CEO, and I’m looking at revenue, everybody has to count revenue the same. Everybody has to measure customer relationships the same and so forth.

You can start out by having an individual business develop their own measures and maybe identify some good practices that way, but then you can’t let everybody count things differently. What that means is that the CEO needs to look at each individual business unit scorecard separately because they are all measuring things somewhat differently. So it does need to be standardized.

Our last question is can you give an example of index and analytic metrics for either customers or employees?

I think I just gave both. I can give you another one for employees. A company has a safety and health gauge for their employees. So, it drills down to two parts; safety and health and under safety, there are leading measures and lagging measures. The leading measures for safety are safety audit scores, safety training test scores and safety behavior measures. They have a behavior based safety program, so observations of inappropriate behavior are tracked. The lagging measures are number of accidents and severity.

The same thing happens under the employee health measure. The leading measure is how many employees have been in for their annual physical. How many employees participate in our wellness programs like our healthy food in the cafeteria or lunch time walking program or quit smoking clinic? Things like that. Lagging measures are the actual health level of their employees. They protect the individual data, but they look at what’s the average cholesterol level of their workforce. What’s the average weight of our workforce compared to norms in the area? So that’s a way for the executives to get an overall view of the health and safety of the workforce without looking at 100 charts. If everything was green, then you don’t need to look any further, and you move on to another metric.

Well I’m afraid we’ve run out of time but I would like to thank everyone for attending. We hope to see you very soon for our next Webinar. Have a great day.

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