InetSoft Webinar: Success Depends on Business Agility

This is the continuation of thetranscript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft on the topic of "Analytics and Agile BI." The speaker is Abhishek Gupta, Product Manager at InetSoft.

So now we have tangible proof that business success partially and largely depends on business agility. The million dollar question is what do we do? What do we business intelligence professionals, architects, project managers, developers and business owners, CIOs, CMOs, CFOs, what do we do about this and in our humble opinion is all about agility.

It’s all about agile BI, agile analytics, agile Big Data. Unfortunately the reality in the market is very far from the perfect state of agility. As a matter of fact people call this failed enterprise BI as the good, the bad and the ugly for enterprise BI. Let’s explore what’s behind this state.

It is amazing to me that this market has been around for over 30 years. A lot of you in the audience have been in this market for 30 years, and we are just scratching the surface. It’s absolutely mind boggling to me that in all of these years every single one of you on the phone, every single one of the organizations is transforming only about 12% of your enterprise data into the useful and meaningful information.

I think we are not talking about some state of the art technologies and exotic data sources. We are not talking about incremental things. We are not talking about machine to machine data. I am not talking about cloud and outside of the firewall data or social media.

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No, I am talking about your basic motherhood and apple pie data inside of your firewall, the Enterprise Resource Planning, CRM, or other transactional and reference and textual data that you have in your organization. Only 12% is being used for information consumption. The rest is sitting there as dead weight.

Another very eye opening observation that we will spend a few minutes talking about is that now even though a large enterprise scalable mission critical ready BI platforms have been out there for many years, a majority of you are still using a home grown BI applications mostly based on spreadsheets.

This chart in particular says that for 63% of you, more than 50% all BI apps or BI content reside in home-grown spreadsheet based applications. So that’s really what’s behind in adoption. We have some tangible proof of how enterprise IT is not really fulfilling all of its promise. A lot of users cite various data limitations.

Much more importantly besides data model limitations with all of the claims that we can sync to relational databases, they serve their purpose. They are enterprise-grade. They are scalable. They are secure, but they are not agile. Any of you on the phone who has ever been a DBA or any kind of a data modeler or data architect, you know that that’s not one of the best features of relational databases.

Read the top 10 reasons for selecting InetSoft as your BI partner.

Last but not the least, there is poor user experience, right. We still see and hear this out there. People tell us that spreadsheets provide the ultimate user experience, and some enterprise BI platforms lag in it. So that’s kind of the good, the bad and the ugly truth behind enterprise BI today.

Enterprise BI platforms often are scalable and robust, but they are very complex, very inflexible. They are slow to react, which is not a option in the agile custom. While home grown spreadsheet based, desktop-based BI is agile and flexile and reactive, and it can address our immediate customer requirements except that it doesn’t scale.

Previous: The Agile BI Concept