InetSoft How-To: Ad Hoc Report Wizard

The Ad Hoc report wizard allows users of InetSoft's reporting software to analyze recent data additions alongside existing data in order to make informed decisions in a timely manner. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

The Ad Hoc pages allow you to configure Ad Hoc Wizards and set properties for Ad Hoc report editing. This page allows you to edit new report wizards. A wizard can be defined based on any prototype report. The user can then follow the instructions of the wizard to create the specified report.

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To create a new Ad Hoc Wizard, follow the steps below:

  1. On the 'Ad Hoc Wizard Registration' page, click the 'New' button. This opens the 'New Ad Hoc Wizard' dialog box.
    • A prototype report usually has a pre­defined layout and a single main element (crosstab, table, chart, section) that the user edits using the wizard.
  2. On the 'Report Prototype' page, select the prototype report on which the wizard will be based.
  3. Click 'Next' to access the 'Wizard Prototype' page. Enter a title in the 'Wizard Title' field. This is the title that will be displayed to the user.
  4. Choose one of the four predefined wizard types (Crosstab, Table, Sec­tion, Chart).
    • The wizard type determines the sequence of steps that will be pre­sented to the user when they invoke the wizard. You should choose a wizard type appropriate for the element in the prototype report (crosstab, table, section, or chart) that the user will be editing.
  5. Click 'Next' to proceed to the 'Report Element' page. From the 'Report Element' menu, select the report element (element ID) that the user will be editing with the wizard.
  6. Click 'OK' to close the 'New Ad Hoc Wizard' dialog box.
  7. On the 'Ad Hoc Wizard Registration' page, click the 'Edit' button for the new wizard.
    • This opens the 'Ad Hoc Wizard Definition' dialog box.
  8. (Optional) In the 'Image' field, select a screenshot to be used for the wizard. This screenshot is displayed when the user clicks the 'Report' button under the Design tab in the Portal.
  9. From the 'Ad Hoc Wizard Options' region, select the steps to include in the Wizard, and their ordering. The user is prompted to compete each step in the sequence specified here.
why select InetSoft
“We evaluated many reporting vendors and were most impressed at the speed with which the proof of concept could be developed. We found InetSoft to be the best option to meet our business requirements and integrate with our own technology.”
- John White, Senior Director, Information Technology at Livingston International

What Are the Advantages of an Ad Hoc Report Wizard?

An ad hoc report wizard is a powerful tool that guides users through the process of creating customized reports on demand. This tool simplifies the report creation process, making it accessible to non-technical users while providing advanced functionalities for more experienced users. Here are the key advantages of using an ad hoc report wizard:

1. User-Friendly Interface

An ad hoc report wizard typically features a user-friendly, intuitive interface that guides users step-by-step through the report creation process.

  • Simplified Workflow: Users are led through each stage of report creation, from selecting data sources to choosing filters and defining the report layout, minimizing the learning curve.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Many wizards offer drag-and-drop interfaces for selecting data fields, making it easy to build reports without needing advanced technical skills.

2. Empowerment of Non-Technical Users

Ad hoc report wizards enable non-technical users to create their own reports without relying on IT support.

  • Accessibility: By simplifying the process, wizards allow users from various departments, such as marketing, finance, and HR, to generate reports tailored to their specific needs.
  • Independence: Users can independently create, modify, and run reports, reducing dependency on IT and speeding up access to critical information.

3. Time Efficiency

Creating reports with an ad hoc report wizard is typically faster than traditional report generation methods.

  • Quick Setup: Wizards streamline the setup process, allowing users to create reports quickly, often within minutes.
  • Real-Time Data: Users can access and analyze up-to-date information instantly, leading to faster decision-making.

4. Customization and Flexibility

Ad hoc report wizards offer extensive customization options, enabling users to tailor reports to their specific requirements.

  • Custom Filters and Parameters: Users can apply various filters and parameters to focus on the most relevant data.
  • Flexible Layouts: Wizards often provide multiple layout options and visualization tools, such as charts, graphs, and tables, to present data in the most effective way.

5. Improved Decision-Making

By providing immediate access to customized reports, ad hoc report wizards enhance the decision-making process.

  • Relevant Insights: Users can generate reports that highlight the most pertinent data, leading to more informed and timely decisions.
  • Data Exploration: Wizards allow users to explore different data sets and perspectives, uncovering insights that might be missed in static, predefined reports.

6. Enhanced Collaboration

Ad hoc report wizards facilitate better collaboration among team members and departments.

  • Shared Reports: Reports created using a wizard can be easily shared with colleagues, fostering a collaborative, data-driven culture.
  • Standardization: Wizards help maintain consistency in report formats and data representations, ensuring that all team members are working with the same information.

7. Cost Savings

By reducing the need for extensive IT involvement, ad hoc report wizards can lead to significant cost savings.

  • Lower IT Costs: With less reliance on IT for report creation, IT resources can be allocated to other critical tasks, reducing overall costs.
  • Efficient Resource Use: Business users can quickly generate their own reports, leading to more efficient use of time and resources.

8. Scalability

Ad hoc report wizards can scale with the needs of the organization, supporting a growing number of users and data sources.

  • Adaptability: As business needs evolve, wizards can accommodate new data sources, fields, and reporting requirements.
  • Enterprise Integration: Many ad hoc report wizards integrate seamlessly with existing business intelligence (BI) tools and data management systems, supporting enterprise-wide reporting needs.

9. Accuracy and Consistency

By standardizing the report creation process, ad hoc report wizards help ensure accuracy and consistency in reporting.

  • Error Reduction: The guided process minimizes the risk of errors that can occur in manual report generation.
  • Consistent Data Representation: Wizards ensure that data is consistently formatted and presented, making it easier to compare and analyze reports over time.

10. Enhanced Data Security

Ad hoc report wizards can include features that enhance data security and compliance.

  • Access Controls: Wizards can incorporate user access controls, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.
  • Audit Trails: Some wizards provide audit trails that track report creation and modifications, supporting compliance with data governance policies.

11. Learning and Development

Ad hoc report wizards can serve as a training tool for users, helping them develop their data analysis and reporting skills.

  • Learning by Doing: Users gain hands-on experience with data manipulation and report creation, improving their understanding of the underlying data.
  • Educational Resources: Many wizards include built-in tutorials and help features, supporting ongoing learning and development.
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