Creating Ad Hoc Reporting Columns

InetSoft's reporting software features customizable data columns that can be set to display complex data in a simple format. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

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An expression column is a custom formula that generates a new column based on the values in other fields. You can use any valid JavaScript syntax within an expression.

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To create an expression column, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch any one of the Ad Hoc Wizards. In Step 1, select the desired data source.
  2. Proceed to Step 2 of the Wizard. Note the ‘Create Expression Column’ link at bottom.
  3. Click the ‘Create Expression Column’ link. This opens the Formula Editor.
  4. In the ‘Name’ field, enter a name for the new column.
  5. Select the ‘Return Data Type’, which is the type of data the new column contains.
  6. In the Formula Editor, select the ‘sql’ checkbox to enter the formula using SQL syntax. Leave the box unchecked to use JavaScript syntax.
  7. Construct the desired formula using appropriate operators (SQL or JavaScript). To add a field name to the formula, click the desired name in the ‘Fields’ list.
    • For example, you can specify an SQL formula such as
      field ['Price'] * field['Discount'] with return data type ‘Double’.

    • You can specify a JavaScript formula such as the following with return data type ‘String’:
      if (field['Discount'] > 0) { 'Yes'; // return Yes } else { 'No'; // return No }