Budget Monitoring Dashboards

Style Intelligence is an easy, agile, and robust platform to help you to quickly respond to over spending and budgeting issues before they becomes a problem.

Overview dashboard: Use the financial visualization tools to track how your company is spending and what your supplier is doing to keep the goods rolling in.

Performance metrics: Gauge long term and short term goals and objectives with drill down details from multiple sources. Check actual against budgeted expenses in one fell swoop with customized charts and mini spreadsheets to make reporting easy.

Competitive market benchmarking: Compare your performance against the market with dozens of KPIs easily displayed through user friendly portal interfaces.

Ledgers and statements: Customization is the key word with our monitoring dashboards. Automatically generate trend lines based on actual performance and variances. Manipulate tabular reports with Excel and measure your performance versus goals and commitments with great agility.

#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index Read More

Mashups for Better Budget Monitoring

Style Intelligence can pull your financial data from your operational financial systems and combine it with almost any other data source found in your enterprise including: relational databases (JDBC), multidimensional databases, XML, SOAP, dozens of cloud sources, Excel spreadsheets, OLAP cubes, and the proprietary data stores from JDE, SAP, PeopleSoft, and Siebel CRM.

In addition, InetSoft has innovated unique capabilities for budgetary mashups. You do not have to be a BI analyst to create your own mashups. You can combine disparate tables and fields that were not previously mapped in a data model. Moreover, you can also bring in your own data sets such as those in personal spreadsheets or those generated by vendors or partners. Whatever dashboards or reports you make from them are now shareable inside the financial BI space.