Product How-To: Changing Dashboard Layout Assets

InetSoft's dashboard software provides users with the flexibility to make changes to dashboard data assets in real-time as the need arises. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

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To modify a non-tabular asset (Named Condition, Named Grouping, Date Range, or Variable), right-click the asset title bar, and select 'Properties' from the context menu.

To mark an asset as the Primary asset, right-click on the asset's title row, and select 'Set as Primary' from the context menu. The Primary asset is displayed with a bold title.

The Primary asset is the “main result” of the Worksheet. It is this Primary asset that you will access from within reports or other Worksheets.

When you save a Worksheet, the Primary asset determines the appearance of the Worksheet in the Asset Repository, and how the Worksheet can be used.

You can delete an asset inside the Worksheet that contains it. You can also delete an entire Worksheet in the Asset Repository. To delete a table or other Worksheet asset, follow these steps:

  • 1. Click the asset title row to select the asset.
  • 2. Right-click the asset title row to open the context menu.
  • 3. Select 'Remove' from the context menu.

Alternatively, press the 'Delete' key on the keyboard to remove the assembly. To delete an asset in the Asset Repository, do one of the following things:

  • Select the asset name from the tree and press the Delete key on the keyboard.
  • Right-click on the asset name in the tree and select the 'Remove' option.

Note: If an asset is used by other reports, the asset cannot be deleted.

What Are the Best Practices for Dashboard Layout?

Designing an effective dashboard layout requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure that it delivers actionable insights and a positive user experience. Here are some best practices for dashboard layout:

  1. Clear Hierarchy and Organization: Organize the dashboard elements in a clear hierarchy, with the most important and relevant information prominently displayed. Use visual hierarchy techniques such as size, color, and placement to guide users' attention to critical elements first.

  2. Consistent Layout and Design: Maintain consistency in layout and design across the dashboard to create a cohesive and visually appealing interface. Consistent use of fonts, colors, spacing, and alignment helps improve readability and usability.

  3. Use of White Space: Incorporate sufficient white space between dashboard components to avoid clutter and improve visual clarity. White space helps separate different elements, making it easier for users to focus on individual insights and data points.

  4. Responsive Design: Ensure that the dashboard layout is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and devices. Designing for responsiveness ensures that users can access and interact with the dashboard seamlessly across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

  5. Prioritize Key Metrics: Identify and prioritize the most important metrics and KPIs relevant to the dashboard's objectives. Place these key metrics prominently at the top or center of the dashboard to provide users with immediate insights into performance and trends.

  6. Use of Visualizations: Choose appropriate data visualizations that effectively communicate insights and trends. Use a mix of charts, graphs, tables, and other visual elements to present data in a meaningful and easily understandable format. Select visualizations based on the type of data and the insights you want to convey.

  7. Contextual Information: Provide contextual information and annotations to help users interpret the data effectively. Use labels, tooltips, annotations, and descriptions to provide additional context, explain key findings, and highlight important trends or outliers.

  8. Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements such as filters, drill-downs, and hover effects to enable users to explore data in more detail. Interactive features empower users to customize their views, filter data based on specific criteria, and uncover deeper insights.

  9. Performance Considerations: Optimize dashboard performance by minimizing the number of data points, limiting the use of complex visualizations, and optimizing data queries and processing. Ensure that the dashboard loads quickly and responds promptly to user interactions to provide a smooth and responsive user experience.

  10. Feedback and Iteration: Gather feedback from users regularly and iterate on the dashboard design based on their input. Continuously refine and improve the layout, content, and functionality of the dashboard to better meet the needs and preferences of users over time.

Previous: Dashboard Data Assets