How to Manage Dashboard Assets in the Repository

There are two ways to save an asset; by saving the Worksheet, and by dragging the asset to the Repository. To save an asset (e.g., Variable, Named Condition, etc.) to the Asset Repository, follow these steps:

  1. Mark the asset as Primary.
  2. Save the Worksheet containing the asset.

The asset marked as Primary determines the appearance of the saved Worksheet in the Repository, and how it can be used.

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Saving Data-Related Assets

To save an asset (e.g., Variable, Named Condition, etc.) to the Asset Repository, follow these steps:

  • Click the small icon in the top-left corner of the asset title bar.
  • Drag the icon over a Global Worksheet or User Worksheet folder, and release. This opens the 'Enter Asset Name' dialog box.
  • In the 'Enter Asset Name' dialog box, enter the name under which the asset should appear in the Repository, and click 'OK'.
  • The asset is added to the repository in the desired folder under the specified name.

    You can rename an asset inside the Worksheet that contains it. You can also rename an entire Worksheet in the Asset Repository.

    Changing Names of Assets

    To change the name of a table or other asset (Variable, Named Group, etc.) in a Worksheet, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click the asset title row, and select 'Properties' from the context menu.
    2. In the 'Table Properties' dialog box, edit the 'Name' field and click 'OK'. All of the assets in a given Worksheet must have unique names.

    To change the name of a Worksheet in the Asset Repository, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click the asset in the Repository, and select 'Rename' from the context menu.
    2. Type the desired name for the asset in the provided field.
    3. Click away to save the change.
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