Native Spark Integration
Using Spark in various roles outlined above has its value, and Spark will continue to be an important part of the overall BI pipeline. However, keeping Spark outside of the BI tool fails to take full advantage of the power of Spark in many ways.
First, having Spark as an external system means data needs to be moved from a Spark cluster to the BI tool. In the age where software is actively engineered to reduce data movement even between RAM and CPU cache, moving data between machines or processes can be disastrous to performance.
Secondly, treating Spark simply as a database, or even as a preprocessor of data, robs a BI tool of the opportunity to fully utilize the computing power of a cluster. Imagine when you need to join data from Spark and a simple in-memory reference table. Since the in-memory table is not part of the Spark cluster, the BI tool needs to execute a query against Spark, bring the data out of the cluster and into the BI tool, and then perform a join in the BI tool.

This example illustrates the two main disadvantages of keeping a BI tool separate from Spark. First, potentially large amounts of data may need to be moved between systems. Additionally, joining of the data cannot be performed inside the cluster. This may result in the cluster being idle while a single BI server is consumed with performing the actual data processing.