InetSoft Product How-To:

Deploying a Report from InetSoft's Report Designer

Reports are usually deployed to the Repository by an administrator using the Enterprise Manager. However, a report template can also be deployed directly through the Report Designer. First, verify that an administrator has enabled ‘Live Deployment’ in Enterprise Manager, and that the Administration Servlet is currently running. Then follow the steps below:

  1. Open the report template in Designer.
  2. Click the ‘Deploy’ button. This opens the ‘Deploy Report’ dialog box.
  3. Enter the ‘Server URL’ and login information for the Repository Servlet.
  4. Enter the ‘Folder’ and ‘Report Name’ under which the deployed report should appear in the Repository. If the specified folder does not already exist in the Repository, the folder will be created.
  5. Specify the permission settings for the deployed report. Select ‘Use folder permission’ to inherit permissions from the deployment folder. Select ‘Grant all permissions to owner only’ to give report permission only to the user who deploys the report.
  6. In the ‘Copy Files’ panel, select the resources that should be deployed along with the report. These resources include the following registry files: – Datasource Registry (datasource.xml) – Report Library ( – Query Registry (query.xml) – Global Worksheets (asset.dat) Select ‘Overwrite existing file’ in the ‘File Copy Options’ to replace existing registry files of the same name on the server. (Note that overwriting registry files may interfere with other reports.)
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  1. Under ‘File Copy Options’, select ‘Import all the queries used in the report to local queries’ to embed all required queries within the report template itself. Select ‘Import all the assets used in the report to report scope’ to embed worksheet information in the report template itself.
  2. Click ‘Deploy’. The report is deployed to the Repository, and the report template is copied to the ‘templates’ folder in SREE Home (the registry directory). If the ‘templates’ folder does not exist, it is created. For the default registry directory location, the folder path is similar to the following:
  3. c:\InetSoft\Tomcat\webapps\sree\WEB-INF\classes\templates

    The report can be removed from the Repository by an administrator using Enterprise Manager.

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