InetSoft Product Documentation: File System Report Archive

The file system archive feature in InetSoft's reporting software allows the program to conserve resources and distribute large amounts of data at a faster rate. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

The file system archive uses a working directory to hold the saved reports and administrative files. The directory does not need to be empty. However, it is strongly recommended that a specifically dedicated directory be used as the working directory, so the files are not accidentally removed or modified.

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Setting up a file system archive requires the specification of the working directory location on the server:

1. Start the Enterprise Manager.

2. Select the Server tab.

3. Expand the 'Repository' node and select 'Archive' on the Navigation tree.

4. Select 'File System' as the type of Archive Storage.

5. Specify the working directory, which should reside within the registry directory. 

6. Click on the 'Apply' button to configure the archive.

7. Specify desired configuration parameters, listed under 'Archive Con­figuration'.

The cleanup interval controls how often the archive is cleaned up. The cleanup process is controlled by the archive rules specified in the Schedule tab for the archived folders and reports. Daily cleanup is performed at 1am every morning. Weekly cleanup is performed at 1am every Sunday. Monthly cleanup is performed at 1am on the first day of the month.

'CVS' archiving uses the UNIX standard Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) to store the saved reports. 'CVS' is not included with this product. It is normally distributed on UNIX systems, but can also be downloaded from the Internet.

To use the 'CVS' archive, the CVS executable (cvs.exe) must be accessible on the report server.

1. Start Enterprise Manager. Select the Server tab.

2. Expand the 'Repository' node and select 'Archive' on the Navigation tree.

3. Select 'CVS' as the type of Archive Storage.

4. Specify 'CVS Root' directory. The CVS root can be a remote directory previously configured using CVS commands (e.g., pserver:user@machine:/{path}), or it can be a new archive directory. If the specified root directory does not already exist, it is automatically created.

5. Specify the 'Working Directory' that holds the temporary files. This should be a directory that is dedicated to the archive, and it should be located within SREE Home.

6. Specify 'CVS Bin', the full path (using forward slashes) to the CVS executable file. If not specified, the system's default path will be searched.

After changing any CVS setting, always click 'Apply' followed by 'Reset Version Con­fig', and then restart the server.

7. Click 'Apply', and then click 'Reset Version Config' to configure the archive.

8. Restart the server.

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