LDAP Security for the Report Server

InetSoft's reporting software allows users to configure LDAP report security via the enterprise manager. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

The LDAP security provider is useful when your users/groups/roles are already defined in an LDAP environment such as MS Active Directory, Sun One IPlanet, or any generic LDAP implementation.

When using the LDAP security provider, all users/groups/roles are retrieved from the LDAP server and cannot be created or configured in Enterprise Manager. All permissions to InetSoft components and functions are stored on the LDAP server (with modification of the LDAP schema).

The structure of the LDAP schema must be defined in the Enterprise Manager. To add Schema information, select the Server tab, and then select the 'Server' > 'Security' option to open the 'Security Provider' page. Select the 'LDAP Security Provider' option and choose the appropriate LDAP server implementation from the menu. Make sure the LDAP server is correctly installed and configured.

Once the directory server environment is configured, you can assign permissions to users/groups/roles for different components and functions.


• Since directory servers do not currently support roles fully, groups in the LDAP schema are mapped to roles in Style Intelligence

• From version 9.0, Enterprise Manager authentication is integrated with Report Server authentication. When you set up the LDAP security provider you can no longer log into the EM using the default 'admin/admin' credentials. You must log in as a user with an 'Administrator' role (group). If there is no role (group) named 'Administrator' in your system, you can set the role by adding the 'role.administrator' property in the 'sree.properties' file, e.g., role.administrator=SRAdmin.

• The performance of any AbstractSecurityProvider security implementation (including LDAP security) can be enhanced by setting 'security.cache=true' in the sree.properties file.

The following sections provide a detailed description of how to set up the different types of LDAP implementation supported by InetSoft products.

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