Presentation options control how reports are generated and presented to users. Users can perform the following tasks:
-Configure the sort order of the Repository tree, as well as formats for dates, times, and images.
-Configure the overall appearance of the User Portal.
-Configure Portal color scheme, logos, and fonts.
-Configure tools and navigation tabs shown in the Portal.
-Specify an alternative Welcome page for the Portal.
-Configure specific Portal customization options. The following pages are available:
-Specify options such as custom error page, report session timeout, and toolbar location.
-Configure visibility and ordering of toolbar buttons on generated reports.
-Specify custom icons for toolbar buttons.
-Control availability of export formats.
-Configure Repository tree behavior for embedded applications.
Configure the display of Portlet Dashboards in the User Portal.
The following pages are available:
-Enable Portlet Dashboards, and set required URLs.
-Create and edit global dashboards and layouts.
-Assign global dashboards to various roles and groups.
-Configure settings related to generation of archived and exported reports in PDF format.
-Configure PDF document generation options.
-Configure mappings for CJK characters.
-Configure settings related to the Ad Hoc Wizard and Ad Hoc editing.
-Edit and create Ad Hoc wizards from prototype reports.
-Configure Ad Hoc properties such as auto-size and image directory.
Configure server and Scheduler message logging. The following pages are available:
-Configure server and Scheduler message logging, including level of detail and maximum log size.
-Track and troubleshoot requests from InetSoft server execution.
-Track and troubleshoot tasks from InetSoft Scheduler execution.