Top Reporting Software Examples

Searching for the top reporting software examples? InetSoft provides examples from its highly-rated, easy to use dashboard reporting software.

Supply Chain Reporting

supply chain reporting example

This supply chain reporting example delivers the most important global shipping aggregates in one easy-to-read report. A spotlight effect on one of the map charts highlights the location of some of the biggest shipment locations.

Utility Reporting

utility reporting sample

This utility report gives updates on power usage as well as various maintenance priorities that concern anyone maintaining a power grid. Color is used to visualize extra dimensions throughout, enabling more to be reported on less charts.

Manufacturing Reporting

manufacturing reporting example

This interactive manufacturing report example gives an overview of production times, costs, and errors. The Produce Time by Product chart compares production times for each product to set benchmarks, helping managers to assess performance at-a-glance.

Marketing Reporting

marketing reporting example

This marketing lead report displays important aspects of the sales funnel, by displaying leads by source, state and date. Both top charts include a highlight feature based on monthly change rate, whose threshold can be adjusted using a slider.

Commerce Reporting

commerce reporting example

This commerce reporting example paints a detailed picture of global imports and exports, with seven different charts, three of them multidimensional. With so many countries displayed, narrowing down the analysis with a selection checklist can make analysis exponentially easier for the end-user.

Machine Learning Reporting

machine learning reporting example

This machine learning driven report breaks website traffic down into different clusters based on keywords, website section and region. The option to change the number of clusters analyzed by the intelligent algorithm aids in human analysis.

Automated Reporting

automated reporting example

This oil and gas report combines a chart with text description of the findings. A spiral chart is used to depict the top ten oil and gas producing states.

Production Reporting

production reporting example

This continuation of the oil and gas report focuses on job growth in various Nevada counties. A colored map chart gives the strongest red color to the counties with the greatest job decreases, using basic intuitive color associations to communicate what's important.

Financial Reporting

financial reporting example

This more traditional financial report relies entirely on tables instead of charts. The report consistsu of aggregates, and aggregates of aggregates.