Using KPI Scorecards

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are business metrics that are used to follow a company's progress. All organizations need to assess their state in the market from time to time. Key performance indicators are the statistics used to track projected business goals.

Similarly, scorecards are another management tool used to track performance. These are a kind of report card for employees that provide a framework for an ideal work place. As with a school report card, using KPI scorecards involves a results-based style of management and action.

The Style Intelligence Approach to creating KPI Scorecards

The InetSoft scorecard is a collection of objects known as 'targets'. Each target helps monitor the performance of a metric. It specifies the metric, how and when a metric's performance is evaluated, what the goal or target is, and what action to take if the goal is not met.

The scorecard provides an easy way to monitor multiple key performance indicators, on a single page. In addition to checking status, you can drill down on a metric to see more detail, and set up alert notification for a failing metric.

KPI Scorecard Sample
KPI Scorecard Idea

Why InetSoft's KPI Scorecard Software

If you are searching for a solution that is easy enough to be:

  • deployed in weeks, not months
  • learned by new-users with minimal training
is agile enough to:
  • adapt to changing data configuration and business needs
  • coordinate data research through visualization and maximum self-service
and robust enough to:
  • capture the attention of business executives
  • satisfy the demands of power users
  • scale up for organizations of all sizes

Evaluate Style Intelligence from InetSoft.