BI Industry Terms

Olap will destroy you

When I first started working at InetSoft, I couldn’t pronounce or understand half the terms on our website (nowadays, thankfully, it’s probably down to 14%).  At one point, I was convinced that a multi-dimensional source had something to do with Ghostbusters.

OLAP reminded me of a Soviet-era Greco-roman Olympic wrestler.  Hadoop had a resoundingly foreign quality – L’armée a échaffaudé une hadoop pour s’emparer du pouvoir!  And bursting sounded straight-up painful.

Every industry has its own unique and sometimes hilarious sounding set of terms.  Who can forget Chandler from Friends crunching away on the Weekly Estimated Net Income Statistics [Wenis] from year to year?

But, while they may not be alien to your company IT guy’s lexicon, business users can end up missing out on making those important connections between what their bi platform offers and how it can impact their day-to-day activities.

That’s why the business intelligence product information pages literally have hundreds of pages worth of info and examples that deal with terms that aren’t always in the realm of common knowledge.   So whenever you hear a term that confuses and amuses, but altogether confounds you, feel free to check some of those pages out.

And bragging rights go to the first person who can translate the sentence in French.