A Global BI Provider

With the increase of outsourcing, mergers and acquisitions, companies need to ensure that they can share and collaborate effectively, regardless of where they are. A state of the art business intelligence solution will present all of your data in a way that gives end users the power of analysis, and updates in real-time to enable the accurate tracking of performance conditions.

When operating business internationally, you need to ensure that all decision-makers have access to the information that they need. With InetSoft's Style Intelligence, users can combine and collate disparate sources of data. With a web-based platform, employees can easily collaborate on generating new reports, and can access vital information wherever they are.

Meeting Corporate Goals

InetSoft's solution also includes a user viewsheet tool for producing sophisticated dashboards and visualizations, providing much more flexibility than Tableau. While Tableau's solution can only be run on Windows, Style Intelligence is a Java-based application that can be utilized with open functionality on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. When users are able to analyze performance data for patterns from any computer or mobile device, maximum self-service is enabled, further insights are gained, and new strategies are inspired, giving you a huge advantage over your competitors.

With InetSoft, users will notice the ease-of-use right out of the box. In order to bypass the habitual inconvenience of using IT to implement new data for reports, InetSoft created an easy to use data mashup tool. Now users of Style Intelligence can create their own data mashups, and even include data from spreadsheets. By requiring only Excel-level skills, InetSoft enables a greater number of employees to leverage BI, enabling a greater collaboration on meeting corporate goals.

top ranked BI
Read how InetSoft was rated as a top BI vendor in G2 Crowd's user survey-based index.

Case Study: How AeroTech Maintenance Services Transformed Operations with a Business Intelligence Solution

AeroTech Maintenance Services is a leading provider of aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services. Established in 1995, the company operates in multiple locations across North America, servicing a variety of aircraft, including commercial jets, private jets, and military aircraft. AeroTech's reputation is built on its commitment to safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

The Challenge

Despite its established market position, AeroTech faced several significant challenges:

  1. Data Fragmentation: AeroTech's data was dispersed across multiple systems, including maintenance logs, parts inventories, customer service records, and financial databases. This fragmentation made it difficult to gain a comprehensive view of operations.
  2. Operational Inefficiencies: Manual processes and outdated software led to inefficiencies in scheduling, resource allocation, and turnaround times.
  3. Limited Predictive Maintenance: AeroTech lacked the capability to perform predictive maintenance, which resulted in unexpected breakdowns and increased downtime.
  4. Customer Satisfaction: Due to delayed maintenance and lack of transparency in processes, customer satisfaction scores were declining.

The Solution: Implementing a Business Intelligence (BI) Solution

To address these challenges, AeroTech decided to implement a comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) solution. After evaluating several options, they selected a BI platform that offered robust data integration, advanced analytics, and user-friendly dashboards.


The implementation process was executed in several key phases:

  1. Data Integration: The BI solution integrated data from various sources, including maintenance management systems, inventory databases, customer service platforms, and financial records. This consolidation provided AeroTech with a unified view of their operations.

  2. Operational Dashboards: Interactive dashboards were created to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as turnaround times, maintenance costs, resource utilization, and customer satisfaction scores. These dashboards provided real-time insights and facilitated data-driven decision-making.

  3. Predictive Analytics: Advanced analytics capabilities enabled AeroTech to implement predictive maintenance. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, AeroTech could predict potential failures and schedule maintenance proactively, reducing unexpected breakdowns.

  4. Resource Optimization: The BI solution helped AeroTech optimize resource allocation. By analyzing workload patterns and resource availability, AeroTech could schedule maintenance activities more efficiently, ensuring that technicians and equipment were utilized optimally.

  5. Customer Portal: A customer-facing portal was developed, allowing clients to track the status of their aircraft maintenance in real-time. This transparency improved communication and customer satisfaction.


The implementation of the BI solution brought substantial benefits to AeroTech Maintenance Services:

  1. Improved Efficiency: The integration of data and automation of processes significantly improved operational efficiency. AeroTech reported a 25% reduction in maintenance turnaround times within six months of implementation.

  2. Enhanced Predictive Maintenance: With predictive analytics, AeroTech could anticipate and address potential issues before they became critical. This reduced unscheduled maintenance by 30%, resulting in less downtime and improved aircraft availability.

  3. Higher Customer Satisfaction: The customer portal and improved maintenance turnaround times led to higher customer satisfaction scores. Clients appreciated the transparency and reliability, leading to a 20% increase in customer retention.

  4. Cost Savings: Optimized resource allocation and reduced downtime resulted in significant cost savings. AeroTech saw a 15% reduction in overall maintenance costs in the first year post-implementation.

  5. Data-Driven Decision Making: The real-time insights provided by the BI dashboards enabled AeroTech's management to make informed decisions quickly. This agility helped the company respond to market demands and operational challenges more effectively.

Read the latest news about InetSoft's user friendly BI software and customer successes.

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