InetSoftWebinar: ROI from a Business Intelligence Software Purchase
This is the continuation of the transcript of a Webinar hosted by InetSoft on the topic of "How Business Intelligence Pays Back Return on Investment." The speaker is Jessica Little, Marketing Manager at InetSoft.
That's an incredible ROI from a business intelligence software purchase. And then they give some of that money back, not all of it, but some of the money back to the people who make it happen which are the guys that are driving the trains. Now this is an interesting kind of use of BI sensing and then analyzing and then saving and then changing process and then rewarding the people who were doing it. Those are the kinds of things that will drive BI to become pervasive.
Over the last 10 to 15 years we’ve gone from that data warehouse infrastructure to, hey, look at us we’re reporting, isn't that fun to what can we report faster? Could we be predictive? Could we get out ahead of it instead of being reactive? Could we know what's going to happen in our businesses in advance so that we can make decisions in a closer to real time environment? All of these things are adding value to the systems that are already there, and adding value by bringing more people onto it.
There are some things going on in this world of BI and data warehousing which are very interesting. Moving the whole concept of scoring or fraud management, down into the database is changing the way the technology is being used. This gets rid of 75% of the data management problems that the analyst and the data miners have to do.
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Reports are not static anymore. They are not reports anymore. They are actually dynamic, and they are dynamic even in your email. Now business intelligence vendors are starting to do some of those kinds of things, not just dashboards but creative kinds of dynamic things, dynamic heat maps, all sorts of things coming on in BI with the visualization technologies.
When you put that on an iPhone you now have an executive being able to make decisions with real data, quality data, integrated data across his business, and he’s not just looking at a report. He can take real action to make money. They’re watching their business instead of it having it report it to them. That's a big difference.
This lets you talk about trying to really manage relationships not from a product or a revenue base from a long term relationship beyond this quarter or this year. And at the same time you can strive to provide better and better service at a lower price at the same time. For direct marketing, it means stopping sending irrelevant, untimely, non-sophisticated generic garbage through either the post mail, the email or even on other kinds of mechanisms like the phones.
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And the relevancy issue that these managers have come to at these companies has created an overwhelming advantage for them in their markets, and I see them doing what we talk about as a vision in a strategy in real life. It not only warms my heart that they are excelling, but it warms my heart that their customers are made happier.