Adding Interactive Charts to Your Web Application

Learn about adding interactive charts to your Web application using InetSoft. Since 1996, InetSoft has been providing developers reporting and visualization tools. Some of the documentation for the charting API follows below.

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Assigns a texture to the specified value.


 a data value

 a GTexture object

Example (Report)

Bind a point-type chart to the sample 'All Sales' query, with 'Company' (top 5) on the X-axis, and Sum(Total) on the Y-axis. Add the following script in the onLoad Handler.

Graph1.bindingInfo.textureFrame =
   new CategoricalTextureFrame;

Example (Report or Viewsheet)

var arr = [["State","Quantity"], ["NJ",200], ["NY",300]];
dataset = new DefaultDataSet(arr);
graph = new EGraph();
var elem = new IntervalElement("State", "Quantity");
textureframe = new CategoricalTextureFrame("State");
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A ShapeFrame object contains the shape style for visual chart objects. You can use a ShapeFrame object to represent data dimensions with shape (shape coding), or to apply a fixed (static) shape style.

Example (Report)

Bind a point-type chart to the sample 'All Sales' query, with 'Company' (top 5) on the X-axis, and Sum(Total) on the Y-axis. Add the following script in the onLoad Handler.

Graph1.bindingInfo.shapeFrame = new FillShapeFrame;

Example (Viewsheet or Report)

Bind a point-type chart to the sample 'All Sales' query, with 'Company' (top 5) on the X-axis, and Sum(Total) on the Y-axis.

var frame = new StaticShapeFrame();
var elem = graph.getElement(0); // point elements
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The OvalShapeFrame object contains the shape styles for oval elements of varying aspect ratio. To create a OvalShapeFrame object, call the OvalShapeFrame constructor.

var frame = new OvalShapeFrame('Total');

You can pass the name of a field (e.g., 'Total') to the constructor, or specify this later using the inherited VisualFrame.setField(field) property.

Example (Report)

Bind a point-type chart to the sample 'All Sales' query, with 'Company' (top 5) on the X-axis, and Sum(Total) on the Y-axis. Add the following script in the onLoad Handler.

Graph1.bindingInfo.shapeFrame = new OvalShapeFrame();

Example (Report or Viewsheet)

var arr = [["State","Quantity","Total"], ["NJ",200,30],
dataset = new DefaultDataSet(arr);
graph = new EGraph();
var elem = new IntervalElement("State", "Quantity");
var frame = new OvalShapeFrame("Total");
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What KPIs and Metrics Are Tracked in Hospital Administration Dashboard Charts?

Hospital administration dashboards play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by providing real-time insights into various aspects of hospital operations. These dashboards track numerous Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics, which are essential for effective performance management. KPIs and metrics offer a structured way to measure and analyze performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that hospitals deliver high-quality care while operating efficiently. In this comprehensive discussion, we will explore the KPIs and metrics commonly tracked in hospital administration dashboards, their definitions, and their significance in performance management.

1. Patient Satisfaction


Patient satisfaction is measured through surveys and feedback forms that assess the patients' experiences with healthcare services. It typically covers aspects such as the quality of care, communication with healthcare providers, wait times, and overall hospital environment.


High patient satisfaction is crucial for a hospital's reputation and financial stability. Satisfied patients are more likely to return for future care and recommend the hospital to others. It also correlates with better patient outcomes and adherence to treatment plans.

2. Admission and Discharge Rates


Admission rates refer to the number of patients admitted to the hospital over a specific period, while discharge rates measure the number of patients discharged within the same timeframe.


Tracking admission and discharge rates helps hospital administrators manage capacity and resources effectively. It also provides insights into seasonal trends and potential bottlenecks in patient flow.

3. Average Length of Stay (ALOS)


ALOS is the average number of days patients spend in the hospital from admission to discharge.


A shorter ALOS often indicates efficient patient care and resource utilization. However, it's essential to balance this with quality care to avoid premature discharges that could lead to readmissions.

4. Readmission Rates


Readmission rates measure the percentage of patients who return to the hospital within a specific period after discharge, typically 30 days.


High readmission rates can indicate issues with the initial care or discharge planning. Reducing readmissions is critical for improving patient outcomes and avoiding financial penalties from payers.

5. Occupancy Rate


The occupancy rate is the percentage of available hospital beds that are occupied by patients at a given time.


Maintaining an optimal occupancy rate is essential for balancing patient care and resource allocation. Overcrowded hospitals can lead to reduced quality of care, while underutilized facilities may indicate inefficiencies.

6. Bed Turnover Rate


Bed turnover rate measures the frequency with which hospital beds are occupied and vacated over a specific period.


A high bed turnover rate can indicate efficient use of hospital resources. However, it's crucial to ensure that rapid turnover does not compromise the quality of care.

7. Emergency Department (ED) Wait Times


ED wait times measure the time patients spend waiting for initial assessment and treatment in the emergency department.


Reducing ED wait times is vital for improving patient satisfaction and outcomes, especially for critical cases. Long wait times can lead to increased patient morbidity and mortality.

8. Surgery Cancellation Rate


Surgery cancellation rate tracks the percentage of scheduled surgeries that are canceled or postponed.


Frequent cancellations can indicate inefficiencies in scheduling, resource allocation, or patient preparation. Reducing cancellations helps optimize operating room utilization and patient satisfaction.

9. Staff-to-Patient Ratio


The staff-to-patient ratio measures the number of healthcare staff (e.g., nurses, doctors) available per patient.


A balanced staff-to-patient ratio is critical for providing high-quality care and preventing staff burnout. It ensures that patients receive adequate attention and reduces the risk of medical errors.

10. Medication Error Rate


Medication error rate measures the frequency of errors in prescribing, dispensing, or administering medications.


Minimizing medication errors is essential for patient safety and quality of care. High error rates can lead to adverse patient outcomes and increased healthcare costs.

11. Infection Rates


Infection rates track the incidence of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) such as surgical site infections, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia.


Lowering infection rates is crucial for patient safety and reducing healthcare costs. HAIs can lead to prolonged hospital stays, readmissions, and higher mortality rates.

12. Utilization Rates of Diagnostic Imaging


Utilization rates of diagnostic imaging measure the frequency of use of imaging technologies such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.


Monitoring imaging utilization helps ensure appropriate use of diagnostic tools, avoiding unnecessary tests and optimizing resource use. Overuse can lead to increased costs and potential patient harm.

13. Financial Performance Metrics


Financial performance metrics include indicators such as revenue, operating margin, cost per patient, and accounts receivable days.


Financial health is crucial for a hospital's sustainability. Tracking these metrics helps administrators manage budgets, reduce costs, and ensure that the hospital can invest in new technologies and services.

14. Employee Turnover Rate


Employee turnover rate measures the percentage of staff leaving the hospital within a specific period.


High turnover rates can indicate issues with job satisfaction, work environment, or management practices. Reducing turnover helps maintain continuity of care and reduces recruitment and training costs.

15. Patient Mortality Rate


Patient mortality rate tracks the percentage of patients who die during their hospital stay.


Monitoring mortality rates helps identify areas for clinical improvement and ensures that hospitals meet quality care standards. High mortality rates can indicate underlying issues with patient care.

16. Compliance with Clinical Guidelines


Compliance with clinical guidelines measures the adherence to established clinical protocols and best practices.


Ensuring compliance with clinical guidelines helps improve patient outcomes and reduce variability in care. It also supports accreditation and regulatory requirements.

17. Patient Flow Metrics


Patient flow metrics include measures such as transfer times between departments, wait times for procedures, and overall patient journey efficiency.


Optimizing patient flow is essential for enhancing the patient experience and maximizing resource utilization. It helps reduce bottlenecks and delays in care delivery.

18. Hospital Readiness Metrics


Hospital readiness metrics assess the hospital's preparedness for emergencies, such as disaster response times, availability of critical supplies, and staff training levels.


Readiness metrics ensure that hospitals can effectively respond to emergencies, protecting patient safety and minimizing disruptions in care.

19. Care Coordination Metrics


Care coordination metrics measure the effectiveness of communication and collaboration among healthcare providers, both within the hospital and with external partners.


Effective care coordination improves patient outcomes, reduces duplication of services, and enhances overall efficiency. It is particularly important for managing chronic conditions and complex cases.

20. Technology Utilization Rates


Technology utilization rates track the adoption and use of healthcare technologies, such as electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and health information exchanges.


High utilization rates of advanced technologies can improve care quality, enhance patient engagement, and streamline operations. It also supports data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

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“We evaluated many reporting vendors and were most impressed at the speed with which the proof of concept could be developed. We found InetSoft to be the best option to meet our business requirements and integrate with our own technology.”
- John White, Senior Director, Information Technology at Livingston International

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