Product How-To: Creating Materialized Report Views

InetSoft's reporting software vastly increases the run-time of reports by allowing users to create materialized report views that save time and resources. A materialized view is a cache of all the data that the report query needs. It can be set on a schedule to update daily or more frequently. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

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You can create a materialized view for a Viewsheet from the 'Repository' node under the Report tab. To create a new materialized view, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the 'Repository' node under the Report tab.
  2. (Optional) To list only Viewsheets in the Repository tree, deselect the other options from the bottom panel.
  3. Select an existing Viewsheet from the Repository tree.
  4. Select the Materialized View tab at the bottom of the panel. This displays the 'Materialized View' page.
  5. Select the 'Materialized View' option. This displays the 'Materialized Views' table for the Viewsheet.
  6. Press the 'Apply' button.
  7. Only Viewsheets con­taining aggregated data can be considered can­didates for materialized views.

  8. Press the 'Analyze' button to have Enterprise Manager determine which assemblies in the selected Viewsheet are candidates for a mate­rialized views. When the analysis is complete, an 'Optimize Plan' dia­log box displays information about the extent of possible materializations. Click 'OK' to dismiss the dialog box.

    The table now shows the assemblies and their candidacy for material­ized view generation. If the 'Status' column indicates 'Recommended' for a given assembly, then that assembly is likely to benefit from mate­rialized view generation. If a materialized view has already been cre­ated for an assembly, the 'Status' column will report 'Existing.'

  9. Press the 'Select All' button if you wish to generate all the listed mate­rialized views. Otherwise select the subset of assemblies for which you want a materialized view to be generated.
  10. In the 'Cycle' column of the table, select the cycle on which the mate­rialized view should be generated.
  11. Press the 'Create' button in the dialog box to generate or schedule the materialized views. The 'Status' column in the table on the 'Material­ized View' page will update to indicate the materialized views that are currently in existence.
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