InetSoft Product Information: Dashboard Scripting

InetSoft's dashboard software allows users to script control of elements on a dashboard, how and when they display based on conditions. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

In certain dashboard applications, you may require a greater degree of control and flexibility than the basic Viewsheet components can provide. For example, you may want to hide certain dashboard components when a particular condition occurs, such as when the user's selections return no data. Likewise, you could present a specific alert message to the user if a key indicator does not meet its target.

In a Viewsheet, scripts are attached to individual components, and control the properties (e.g., visibility, color, etc.) of the host component. For example, you can attach a script to a gauge component in order to show or hide the gauge based on certain conditions. Viewsheets do not have a global script scope; rather, every script is attached to a particular component.

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You can enter a script in any property field that offers an 'Expression' option.To add a script to a Viewsheet component, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click the component, and select 'Properties' from the context menu. This opens the 'Properties' dialog box.
  2. In the 'Properties' dialog box, find the property you wish to dynamically change. (In the example, we use the 'Visible' property under the General tab.)
  3. Click the arrow button next to the property you want to modify, and select 'Expression' from the menu. This enables a small 'Edit' button.
  4. Click the 'Edit' button. This opens the Formula Editor.

    Note: The script must return one of the exist­ing options in the property menu. For the the 'Visible' property, return values must be “Show,” “Hide,” or “Hide on Print and Export.”

  5. In the Formula Editor, enter the desired script. For example, the following script hides the component if the user has selected 'Hide' from a RadioButton control, and the current month is March (i.e., the third month).
  6. Click 'OK' to close the Formula Editor, and click 'OK' to close the 'Properties' dialog box.
  7. Expressions must always return permissible values for the corresponding property. For example, if a property requires an integer, an expression that sets that property must evaluate to an integer. If a property requires one of a fixed set of options, e.g., {'Rows', 'Columns'}, then the expression that sets that property must evaluate identically to one of those strings ('Rows' or 'Columns').