InetSoft Product How-To: Designing Dashboard Charts

The Chart Editor automatically categorizes numerical fields of a Data Block as “measures” and non-numerical fields as “dimensions.” Typically, dimensions are used as X-axis data, and measures are used as Y-axis data. Only dimensions can be used in the ‘Breakdown by’ field of the ‘Data’ panel.

Measures and dimensions have different properties. You can sort and rank dimension data, and set aggregation methods for the measure data. The following sections explain this in more detail.

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  1. To edit the representation of a dimension, click the ‘Edit Dimensions’ button in the ‘Data’ panel.
  2. To edit the representation of a measure, click the ‘Edit Measures’ button in the ‘Data’ panel.
  3. To convert a dimension to a measure, right-click the dimension in the tree, and select ‘Convert to Measure’ from the context menu.
  4. To convert a measure to a dimension, right-click the measure in the tree, and select ‘Convert to Dimension’ from the context menu.
  5. To edit the labels and line format of an axis, right-click the axis or axis label, and select ‘Axis Property’ from the context menu.
  6. To edit a legend, right-click the legend, and select ‘Legend Format’ from the context menu. This opens the ‘Legend Format’ dialog box.
  7. To change the position of a chart legend, click the legend title and drag it to the desired location. You can place the legend at the left, right, top, or bottom.
  8. To edit plot properties, right-click body of the chart, and select ‘Plot Property’ from the context menu.
Previous: Dashboard Chart