Business Intelligence Tools That are Easy, Agile, and Robust

InetSoft offers business intelligence tools for dashboards, analysis, and reporting that are easy, agile, and robust. InetSoft's flagship product, Style Intelligence, goes beyond traditional BI tools by providing a complete BI software platform which includes fine-grained security and administration for accessing diverse data sources. In addition to pixel-perfect report publication, this advanced BI platform offers powerful yet easy-to-use Web-based applications for dashboard creation and interactive visual analysis.

InetSoft's BI Tools are Easy, Agile, and Robust


  • Enjoy a rapid implementation; minimum specialized IT expertise required
  • Experience a shallow learning curve for business users; only Excel-level skills needed
  • Make it easy for analysts & administrators; no SQL experience required
  • Scale up with zero-client deployment and no per-user licensing


  • Provide maximum self-service through ad hoc and visualization analysis
  • Enable self-service also at data level: end-user defined data mashup
  • Accommodate quick, formal, and experimental changes


  • Address advanced and mass needs
  • Run on a high performance, secure infrastructure
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What Business Intelligence Features Are Included in CPG Distribution Software?

CPG distribution software offers a range of business intelligence (BI) features to help consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies make data-driven decisions and improve their operational efficiency. These features provide insights into sales trends, inventory management, customer behavior, and supply chain performance.

Here are some of the key BI features included in CPG distribution software:

Sales Analytics

  • Sales Trend Analysis: Track sales performance over time, by product, customer, and region to identify trends and patterns.
  • Sales Performance Benchmarking: Compare sales performance against industry averages and competitors to identify areas for improvement.
  • Sales Forecasting: Predict future sales demand based on historical data, market trends, and promotional activities.

Inventory Management Analytics

  • Inventory Turnover Analysis: Monitor inventory turnover rates to optimize inventory levels and minimize carrying costs.
  • Stockout Analysis: Identify products that are prone to stockouts and implement strategies to prevent stockouts.
  • Excess Inventory Analysis: Identify products with excess inventory and implement strategies to reduce excess stock.

Customer Behavior Analytics

  • Customer Segmentation: Segment customers based on demographics, purchase history, and other factors to tailor marketing campaigns and product offerings.
  • Customer Lifetime Value Analysis: Identify high-value customers and prioritize their retention and engagement efforts.
  • Customer Churn Analysis: Identify customers at risk of churn and implement strategies to prevent customer loss.

Supply Chain Performance Analytics

  • Supply Chain Visibility: Track the movement of goods from suppliers to retailers to identify bottlenecks and optimize supply chain processes.
  • Supplier Performance Analysis: Evaluate the performance of suppliers based on metrics such as on-time delivery, quality, and cost.
  • Transportation Management Analytics: Analyze transportation costs and inefficiencies to optimize shipping routes and reduce transportation expenses.

How Do CPG Category Managers Analyze Price Promotions?

CPG (consumer packaged goods) category managers play a crucial role in analyzing price promotions to ensure they are effective in driving sales, increasing profitability, and achieving overall business objectives. They utilize a comprehensive approach that involves data analysis, market research, and strategic planning.

Key Steps in CPG Category Manager Analysis of Price Promotions:

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals of the price promotion, such as increasing sales volume, introducing a new product, or clearing out excess inventory.
  2. Gather Data: Collect relevant data on historical sales trends, price elasticity of demand, competitive pricing, and consumer behavior.
  3. Analyze Data: Utilize statistical analysis and data visualization tools to identify patterns, trends, and insights from the collected data.
  4. Evaluate Promotion Effectiveness: Assess the impact of past price promotions to understand what factors contributed to their success or failure.
  5. Develop Promotion Strategy: Design a tailored promotion strategy that aligns with the defined objectives, considering factors such as product type, target audience, and seasonality.
  6. Set Promotion Parameters: Determine the specific details of the promotion, including price reduction percentage, duration, and promotional channels.
  7. Implement and Monitor Promotion: Execute the promotion plan and closely monitor its performance in real-time.
  8. Evaluate Post-Promotion Results: Assess the effectiveness of the promotion by analyzing sales data, customer response, and profitability metrics.
  9. Refine and Iterate: Use the evaluation results to refine promotion strategies and improve effectiveness in future campaigns.

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