Dashboard Report Scripting with InetSoft

Dashboard report scripting is an integral feature in InetSoft's dashboard software that allows users to customize data. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

As a standardized scripting language, JavaScript provides an excellent foundation for report scripting needs. Its origin as a web scripting language makes it ideal for the reporting environment. The integration of JavaScript with Style Intelligence therefore combines two powerful paradigms for report generation and gives developers maximum flexibility in controlling reports and user interactions.

The purpose of this section is to provide a broad overview of JavaScript programming, and how JavaScript can be embedded in Viewsheets.

In Web development, JavaScript is used to add client-side scripting to HTML pages. Scripts are embedded into the contents of a Web page and executed inside the client browser. Traditionally, these client-side scripts deal exclusively with user-browser interactions, and have limited server-side actions (e.g., HTTP requests).

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In contrast, Viewsheet scripting is server-side scripting. The scripts contained in a report are executed as part of the report generation process on the server. Style Intelligence scripts can also control certain client-side interactions through event handlers and hyperlinks.

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, and provides various objects and methods, as well as the ability to create user-defined methods. To use JavaScript effectively, it is important to understand the following concepts:

  • Properties: Properties are predefined data-storage locations associated with an object. You can 'get' or 'set' these properties to observe or alter the corresponding attributes of the object.
  • Methods: Methods are predefined functions associated with an object. In general, these functions operate on the object itself.
  • Events: Events are predefined actions that are recognized by an object, such as a mouse movement or clicking.

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