Editing Dashboard Tables

Users can easily edit dashboard tables using InetSoft's award-winning dashboard software, an iterative data mashup reporting application that is available as a stand alone product or embeddable solution. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

Hierarchical view shows the exact composition of the table. It displays graphical links between the tables and columns involved in the composition, and indicates the type of concatenation or join being used. You cannot edit a table's columns when the table is in Hierarchical view.

To toggle a Composition Table to Hierarchical view, click the 'Show Hierarchical View' button in the table title bar.

Editable view allows you to edit column attributes, such as sorting order, visibility, etc. When a Composition Table is in Editable view, it looks similar to a regular Data Table. All of the table's composition information, such as join links, concatenation types, constituent tables, etc., is hidden from view.

To toggle a Composition Table to Editable view, click the 'Show Editable View' button in the table title bar.

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Assume that we have a Composition Table which is a union of two tables, one displaying information about customers in the state of NY and the other displaying information about the customers in the state of NJ. Both of these tables have a column named 'customer_id' which we would like to hide. They also both have a column named 'company_name' which we would like renamed to 'Company'.

To create this Composition Table, and then hide and rename columns in the Editable view, follow the steps below:

1. Create a new Worksheet.

2. Expand the 'Query' node, 'Orders' node, and 'DWS' node.

3. Drag the 'NY Customers' query on to one of the empty cells in the Worksheet. This creates a new table, named 'NY Customers1'.

4. Drag the 'NJ Customers' query on to one of the empty cells in the Worksheet. This creates a new table, named 'NJ Customers1'.

5. Drag the 'NY Customers1' table until it is directly above or below the 'NJ Customers1' table. When the 'union' symbol appears, release the table to perform the concatenation.

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A new Concatenated Table, 'Query1' is created. Notice that the 'Query1' table is in the 'Hierarchical' view since the 'union' symbol is visible on the left of the table, indicating its type, and the table's title row lists all of the tables participating in the union operation.

6. Click the 'Show Editable View' button, located in the upper right corner of the table.

7. Select the 'CUSTOMER_ID' cell and click on the 'Visibility' button to hide it.

8. Double-click the 'COMPANY_NAME' cell, and change the name to 'Company'.

9. Switch back to the 'Hierarchical' view by clicking on the 'Show Hierarchical View' button, located in the upper right corner of the table.

Notice that the column name change does not appear in the hierarchi­cal view. This is because the hierarchical view displays the base table information and the column name has not been changed for the base tables.

10. Preview the table. Notice that the 'CUTOMER_ID' field is hidden and the 'COMPANY_NAME' column header has been renamed to 'Company'.

Previous: SQL Dashboard Query