Dashboard Software - Managing Dashboards

InetSoft's dashboard software allows users to manage dashboards in an easy and intuitive manner that suits a diverse list of needs. View the information below to learn more about the solution.

Before a user can access the dashboards that you have created in Enterprise Manager, you need to assign the user appropriate permissions based on the user's role or group. In general, you should first configure a security provider.

To configure permissions for a dashboard, follow the steps below:

1. Open the 'Dashboard Manager' page (in the Server tab, under 'Pre­sentation' > 'Dashboard').

2. Select 'Role' or 'Group', depending on the scope of permission you want to assign.

3. Click on an identity in the top table. This exposes the 'Dashboard for' table. For example, click the 'Everyone' role to expose the 'Dash­boards for Everyone' table.

4. Check the box in the 'Enable' column next to the dashboards you wish to activate for the selected role.

Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility.

5. Click the arrows in the 'Arrange' columns to position the User Portal dashboard tabs in the desired display order. (This ordering only affects newly added dashboards. After a user has already accessed a dashboard, the ordering for that dashboard is controlled by the user through the Portal 'Preferences' dialog box. See the Managing Dash­boards section of the End User.)

6. Click 'Apply' to enter the settings.

Dashboards that you enable for a user will be visible to the user the next time they access the Dashboard tab in the Portal. The enabled dashboards will also be appended to the 'Dashboard' table of the user's Portal 'Preferences' dialog box.

Dashboards that you disable for a user will no longer be listed in this table. From the Portal 'Preferences' dialog box, users can choose to disable or reorder dashboards to suit their needs. See the Monitoring Dashboards section in the End User for more information.

Read why choosing InetSoft's cloud-flexible BI provides advantages over other BI options.