An Agile Dashboard Application

Are you looking for an agile dashboard application? InetSoft offers free and commercial Web-based dashboard software that enterprises can deploy quickly, and ISV's can embed easily into their own applications. View a demo.

Interactive Dashboard Lists - Interactive dashboard lists are possible thanks to InetSoft's patent pending Data Block Technology. A unique innovation that allows for the highest level of application personalization possible. Selection Lists allow you to gain tremendous insight into a data set. This example illustrates how you can use Selection Lists simultaneously for both input and output to offer end-users rapid exploratory capability. 1. Create a new Viewsheet based on the ‘ProductSales’ Worksheet. 2. Expand the ‘SalesByDate’ Data Block. 3. Drag the ‘State’ field from the Data Block onto the Viewsheet grid. This creates a new Selection List called ‘State’. 4. Drag the ‘Company’ field from the Data Block onto the Viewsheet grid. This creates a new Selection List called ‘Company’. Make sure both lists are initially cleared. 5. Select ‘AZ’ and ‘CA’ from the ‘State’ Selection List. Note that the ‘Company’ Selection List has now automatically marked certain companies using green boxes. These are the companies that are compatible with your state selections (i.e., the companies residing within AZ and CA). Other companies are grouped together under the heading ‘Others’...

Interactive Drill Down Reports - InetSoft's award winning reporting software offers users sophisticated drill down report tools that allow those with minimal technical expertise to assemble comprehensive reports. A drill-down will allow you to access information associated with a report element. It is often used to show the detail behind a summary value. Our example utilizes the 'Interactive' report. In the 'Interactive' report you can drill down on different report elements by just clicking on the hyperlinks, i.e., one of the bars in the 'Revenue by Year' chart, one of the States in the 'Sales by Geography' section, or one of the company names in the 'Purchaser List'. Elements even support multiple hyperlinks, which will appear in a popup hyperlink menu. If a hyperlink is ambiguous, you will be shown a pop-up dialog with a list of possible options for the drill-down. A parameter is any input that you enter. Run the 'Parameters' report. You see the first set of parameter choices in the screenshot. Once the state is chosen from the drop-down option box, the second drop-down option box will contain client cities in the state that was selected...

agile dashboard application

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Interactive Monitoring Dashboards - Interactive monitoring dashboards allow users to stay abreast of the slightest changes or patterns affecting their data. InetSoft's Style Intelligence is the comprehensive real-time analytical reporting and dashboard software solution used at thousands of enterprises worldwide. A monitoring dashboard is a cluster of components – reports and viewsheets – viewed on a single page (just like a dashboard in a car). These components usually display some information which indicate the overall performance of the organization or department, usually referred to as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Style Intelligence gives you the ability to configure your own dashboards and to subscribe to existing dashboards. There are two kinds available, Portlet Dashboards and Viewsheet Dashboards. A Portlet Dashboard contains both viewsheet and report elements in various column and row configurations. A Viewsheet Dashboard, on the other hand, is a single viewsheet. However, this top-level viewsheet typically contains other nested viewsheets, which themselves may be positioned in any configuration...

Interactive Online Shopping Tool - The green car dashboard shows off the kind of Interactive Internet Shopping Tool that an online retailer or comparison shopper site could create for its customers. Because shoppers often want to filter on more than one criteria and then sort again, traditional HTML methods can be cumbersome or frustrating. With InetSoft's software, much greater control over the search interactivity is possible with selection lists, range sliders, sorting, and combo boxes...

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View live interactive examples in InetSoft's dashboard and visualization gallery.

Interactive Production Reports - InetSoft's award winning reporting software provides users the tools to build comprehensive interactive production reports from disparate and seemingly incompatible data sources. Operational or production reports are the backbone of most business processes. These reports are typically produced in electronic format and paper printouts for a wide range of users. The vast amount of business knowledge contained within such reports is extremely valuable because they are widely used and time critical. Production reports are often viewed as the most fundamental business intelligence tool. The Report Explorer allows you to browse, search, and customize report elements by sorting, filtering, and hiding/reordering table columns. This gives you the ability to create a view of the report that suits your needs. The Report Explorer does not change the report, but only manipulates the way the information in the report is viewed. However, you can export or save your customized report to the report archive. While production reports are the foundation, they often need to be changed to suit a particular purpose. Changes can be minor, like changing the sort order, or major ones that completely change the report. Instead of creating separate reports for each need, users like yourself are given the power to customize reports to address your specific requirements...

Interactive Real-Time Dashboarding Tools - Companies have really focused lately on interactive real-time dashboarding tools, and that’s moving really into their C-level area where people manage their companies. It starts to overlap with Tom Davenport’s area of competing on analytics and having metrics oriented executives, having near real-time information instead of just once a month rollups. It also means having information alerts for upper level managers so that they can manage the business better. So when you think about dashboarding, there’s really quite a lot of information that can be pushed out to the field staff or received by the executive C-level. The information can come into different devices. You can color code it. You can send alerts if you have users who can’t connect to the dashboard. You can also cascade the dashboard as many methodologies recommend for doing strategy. Like balance scorecarding where you link the objectives with the performance results, so that every individual in the company can see all the way to the very top how their role contributes...

#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index Read More

Interactive Report Columns - InetSoft's award winning reporting software provides end-users with sophisticated customization tools that allow users to create unique reports with special features like interactive data columns. There are various methods for hiding and showing columns, discussed below. Sometimes it is either necessary or desired to hide or reorder columns in a report. Style Intelligence provides you with two ways to accomplish this. One way is with the Ad Hoc tool, and the other uses the Report Explorer. The following steps and screenshots refer to the 'Interactive' report. 1. With the report open in the 'Display' panel, click the 'Report Explorer' button and select the 'Purchasers' element in the 'Browse/Search' panel. In the toolbar, click on the 'Show Column Selection Options' button. 2. Uncheck 'Company'. Click 'Submit' to generate the report. Filtering values for expression fields are not displayed as selection lists, and need to be entered manually...

Interactive Sales Dashboards - Increasing sales is the basic goal of every sales manager, but this can be a difficult and challenging process. Industry changes quickly, with new competitors in all types of markets emerging every single day. Managing and tracking all of a sales department's metrics can be very difficult, but with a robust and intuitive dashboarding solution, the process becomes much simpler. InetSoft's Style Intelligence makes it easy to build dashboards that communicate clearly, with up to date information. InetSoft's dashboard reporting software gives your users the chance to create impactful and actionable sales dashboards through an easy to use interface. With our visualization technology capabilities, you can be given a high-level view of sales performance, along with the details you need to analyze pipelines performance, quickly find problems, easily track deals and results, and find the best practices for your sales team.

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