Product How-To: Creating Report Roles

InetSoft's reporting software gives administrators simple tools that allow them to easily create report roles, so that the right privileges are transferred onto the correct users. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

A role (e.g., Manager, Developer, Analyst, etc.) is a function and can be used to assign functional permissions to a set of users who have to perform a set of tasks or operations. For example:

• Developer: Ad Hoc reporting; Explore View • Manager: Ad Hoc reporting, Dashboard, and Scheduler • Analyst: Explore View

There are two embed­ded roles, 'Everyone' and 'Administrator'. Every user is by default assigned to the 'Every­one' role; it is typically used to expose a resource to all users. The 'Administrator' role is a super-user who has access to all resources. Any user with the 'Administra­tor' role can login to Enterprise Manager.

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You can create and edit roles in Enterprise Manager only when using the 'Default Security Provider'.

To add a new role, follow the steps below:

1. From the main Users tab, click the 'New Role' link below the naviga­tion tree. This creates a role with a default name 'roleN' (role0, role1, etc.).

2. Type in the 'Name' field to change the name of the role.

3. Drag and drop users and/or groups into the 'Assigned To' box. This assigns all of the individual users and users within the group to this role.

4. Drag and drop roles into the 'Inherit From' box. The new role will inherit all permissions from the roles specified in this list.

5. Click 'Apply' to save your changes.

To edit a role, expand the 'Roles' node on the tree, and click on the desired role.

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