What Chart Types Are Part of Dashboards in Business Intelligence?
There are many types of charts that could be used in a BI dashboard. The most common are line charts and bar charts. Line charts are good at showing trends in time series data. Bar charts are useful for daily performance monitoring and drilling in the detail data that makes up a bar. Other useful types are bubble, scatter, step, bullet, geographic, heatmap, tree, funnel, and radar. Pie charts are considered inefficient ways to display data.
Is Tableau a Business Intelligence Dashboard Tool?
Yes, it is one of the best known BI tools. Others include Domo, InetSoft, Qlik, and Yellowfin.
More Resources for Researchers of Dashboards in Business Intelligence
Advantages Over Desktop Dashboard Applications - Style Intelligence is a Web-based server-side tool. It is made up of a collection of reusable server components which can be integrated into other applications and servers, or used "as is" to provide a complete BI solution. Being server-based, Style Intelligence allows users to connect remotely to data sources, making it accessible to a broader user base. Additionally, the application is equipped with automatic data security measures that will only show appropriate data based on the user's IT-defined permissions. By contrast, desktop applications typically provide a single-view of the data to be published...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Agile Dashboard Application for Business Intelligence - InetSoft's application for business intelligence dashboards is easy, agile and robust. InetSoft is top-rated by users on G2 Crowd. Interact with examples and register for a personalized demo. InetSoft's solution is true Software-as-a-Service for hosted and self-hosting, not a combination of client developer tools and a web-based delivery platform...
Alternative to Lawson Business Intelligence - Looking for a good alternative business intelligence solution for Lawson? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking cloud-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. Mash up ERP, HCM, general ledger, and other enterprise data for a complete view of performance. Maximize self-service for business and technical staff. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft Ranked as Top BI Platform - Independent analyst firm Butler Analytics reviewed 21 business intelligence vendors...
Approach to CRM Software Dashboards - What makes InetSoft stand out from the rest as an application for creating intuitive customer management dashboards from CRM data? The advantages of using InetSoft Technology's Style Intelligence in conjunction with your business' CRM software is the versatility it offers. Style Intelligence is compatible with many different CRM applications whether having open connectivity databases via ODBC, such as SugarCRM, to more proprietary database types, including Siebel CRM and salesforce.com. InetSoft's technology design is also customized to support other software such as Infusionsoft, InTouch CRM, and Rapportive...
Better Analytics for ERP Systems - Style Intelligence features a powerful data mashup engine for the creation of dashboards, visual analyses, and reporting. The unified, easy-to-deploy, easy-to-use business intelligence solution maximizes self-service and serves both enterprises and solution providers. InetSoft's BI software leverages a powerful patent-pending Data Block foundation for real-time data mashup and presents information through interactive dashboards, enterprise reporting, scorecards, and exception alerts...
Better Supply Chain Reporting - Now the supply chain executes better because you have got a forecast that starts at the lowest level. It's driven by that lowest level demand. It may be a kiosk. It may be a store. It may be a web channel. It may be a branch in the case of consumer good company or something like that. But anyway, the bottom line is you use that lowest level information you have, then create that lowest level forecast. And that improved accuracy in that forecast is an operational or executable type of view to that forecast, and that will improve your promotional performance...
Business Intelligence Dashboard Software for Finance Departments - Finance departments arguably face a wider set of information management challenges than any other department in an organization. Some of the challenges are common across functions, but several are specific to Finance. From working with so many Finance teams across dozens of industry segments, including commercial, government, and non-profit ones, we have found many require not just a business intelligence solution, but a data intelligence solution, InetSoft's term for transforming data into actionable information...
Clustering in a Reporting System - As a user population grows, the reporting system should scale to support this population without a noticeable decrease in performance. Other reporting tools do not offer simple scaling solutions and must be configured manually. Style Intelligence tackles this problem by offering a clustering and load balancing system that provides easy scalability to support any number of end-users. A single load balancer (running a lightweight Style Intelligence process) controls the flow of report requests to each node in the cluster. Each node supports user requests as they are sent from the load balancer. A session is created between the end-user and the node and all reporting actions are distributed through the load balancer...
Comprehensive Business Reporting Software - Does your business need a comprehensive reporting software that covers all of your informational and data needs InetSoft's comprehensive Style Report allows non-technical users to easily create reports that display vital information in the most clear and communicative way possible. Tables, charts, and other tools can all be used in a single display environment and modified for the user's preference with individual data binding, formatting, and display properties, and advanced data mashup and manipulation capabilities unlocks the freedom to explore data in any way desired...
“Flexible product with great training and support. The product has been very useful for quickly creating dashboards and data views. Support and training has always been available to us and quick to respond.
- George R, Information Technology Specialist at Sonepar USA
Dashboards for Microsoft Access by InetSoft - Looking for business intelligence dashboards for use with Microsoft Access and other similar data sources? InetSoft offers award winning dashboard solutions...
Dashboard Software For Different Roles - Are you looking for a good role based dashboard application? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting software permits very granular permission control, by role or group, by individual user, by dashboard, and by database security preferences. InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. Maximize self-service for all types of users. No dedicated BI developer required. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Data Mashups for MySQL Business Intelligence - Ease of access is a core fundamental behind the design of Style Intelligence. In addition to MySQL, the application offers speedy and varied data access to a large number of data sources, including, but not limited to, XML, Rest API, ERP applications, cloud-host databases and more. End-user defined data mashup permits users to combine disparate data sources into a unified data sets, through the use of an innovative drag-and-drop interface. Maximum self service is just another pillar of the ideals behind Style Intelligence...
Evaluate InetSoft's Popular Business Intelligence Software - Looking for popular business intelligence software? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application is highly rated by users for successful adoption and responsive customer service. Make great-looking web-based reports and dashboards easily with a drag-and-drop designer and the ability to connect to all your data sources. Maximize self-service for business and technical users. View a demo and try interactive examples. One of the advantages of this tool is that we started using it from the very beginning without major changes in the extracted data. Using Style Scope from InetSoft gave us the ability to provide a graphical representation of the key data to top management right 'out-of-the-box'...
Main Features of Financial Analysis Software - Check out the must-have features of financial analysis software. Have a Simple User Interface - The last thing you want is financial analysis software that is too complicated or confusing to use. A good financial analysis tool should be easy to use. If you can't figure out how to use it, then it's probably not worth using at all. There should be an intuitive interface allowing users to move quickly through different sections of the program without needing any specific knowledge about accounting or finance. The software should also offer an easy-to-understand navigation system so that users know where they are and what they need to do next. This way, the users won't have to search through menus and submenus every few minutes while trying to get work done...
Making Financial Management Reports Important - The aforementioned mismatch of the usefulness and reality of financial reports has resulted in some business attempts to make their reports to serve additional roles besides the legal obligations. The objective is achieved by creating financial reports with supplementary information useful for decision-making. In as much as these newly created advanced financial reports have particular advantages, they also have an enormous downside. The reports are increasingly more intricate and take a lot of time to create. Conventionally, financial reports have a legal time limit and when tasked to include more information than normal, they might attract some erroneous details or fallacious entries due to the rigorous process and time limitation...
Map Example of Dashboards for Business - InetSoft Technology is a BI software provider offering a business intelligence suite called Style Intelligence. Style Intelligence includes two sub-products for dashboards and reporting in the form of Style Scope and Style Report, respectively. InetSoft Style Intelligence is an operational business intelligence platform that features a powerful data mashup engine for the creation of dashboards, visual analyses, and reporting. The unified, easy-to-deploy, easy-to-use business intelligence solution maximizes self-service and serves both enterprises and solution providers. InetSoft's BI software leverages a powerful patent-pending Data Block foundation for real-time data mashup and presents information through interactive dashboards, enterprise reporting, scorecards, and exception alerts...
Pharmaceutical Marketing Reporting - The company's clients are marketing professionals at major pharmaceutical companies. Depending on the clients' needs, they will utilize different services from the company's portfolio of marketing services and programs. Examples include market research programs where thousands of individuals are surveyed on medical history and medication behaviors and market launch programs where awareness and adoption metrics are collected. All of the company's services and programs generate large amounts of data that needs to be sliced and diced, and analyzed for measuring return on investment, budgeting, and forecasting...
Problem of Reporting Vanity Metrics - Most businesses are guilty of it. They all have metrics that they track and obsess over. The truth is, vanity metrics are not the way to go. Here's why: They Are Easy To Get but Hard To Keep. You can post a new picture on your Instagram and get a few thousand likes in an hour, but what do you do with that data? Is it even meaningful? Maybe in the grand scheme of things, but if you're just looking at a bunch of followers who aren't engaged in your content, it probably isn't worth it...
Report Layout Problem - Most reporting tools provide only a single report layout that does not allow a report designer to create a custom layout with elements placed in specific locations or that forces data to flow in a specified pattern. Style Report breaks the traditional report design paradigm by offering two different report layout types that allow report designers to place data elements into reports. The flow and tabular report layouts treat report elements and data differently and are suited to different situations...
Researching BI Dashboard Solutions - Researching BI dashboard solutions for your organization's internal use or to embed in a commercial application? Deploy a small-footprint, easy-to-use web-based dashboard application from InetSoft. As an innovator in reporting software since 1996, InetSoft has pioneered the evolution from static reporting towards interactive visualization of data via dashboards...
Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility. |
Reusable Report Components Problem - The report development cycle is very long and requires reports and common report elements to be recreated over and over again. There is also a problem sharing these reports and reporting elements between groups of report designers and developers. Style Intelligence provides a flexible and powerful report development environment that puts emphasis on shortening total development time by offering many reusable components that modularize the design of reports. When creating Style Intelligence, InetSoft chose to stress extreme reusability for all reports and report elements. This section explores how the report development process in Style Intelligence is exceptionally modular. This modular approach allows report designers to reuse report templates and components to drastically shorten the report development cycle. All of these components are automatically stored in a single library file that can be shared by every report designer. We will take a closer look at the main reusable components within Style Intelligence, which are: meta-templates, report beans, parameter sheets, and scripts...
Strong Graphical Visualization - You've seen a good combination of strong, graphical visualization which really helps you see the story, fitting in the data as well as the text which is what we're all used to seeing. And the text is really helpful for allowing us to get to the list that we need in order to take action. And then finally we've seen some good high level summary information on our pages as well as the ability to drill down and click in to get the detail whether it was an individual flight segment or an individual donor. Following the rule, we got to the detail in 3 clicks or less. We certainly were able to do that...
The InetSoft Difference from "Big BI" - This comprehensive of a business intelligence software application competes in functionality with the traditional incumbents in the business intelligence industry, but InetSoft's philosophy is distinctly different. InetSoft believes that these "big BI" solutions have become overly complex, even more so due to their acquisition strategies. That complexity has led to three significant drawbacks: 1. It has driven up software licensing costs unnecessarily...
Three Major Categories of ETL Monitoring - We've grouped those into three major categories, whether that will affect the accuracy of the data, the conformity of that data, whether it conforms to our business rules or the integrity of that data. Now if I want to then drill down and understand how that trend is going over time, I can click on more when it loads. On the dashboard here, I can see that I have all my different custom rules on the right hand side. When I click on any one of these top level rules, it shows me the rules that apply specifically to that, and when I click on an individual rule it shows me how that rule has behaved over time. So if I saw a data problem introduced, I'd see that dropping down. I can see my one warehouse field on the custom rule table, that we're only conforming to that rule about 55 percent of the time, so that's a problem that I want to drill into. Now, I won't go too deep into this, but what we could do is look at this failed data load, or even view the impact...
Try InetSoft's .NET Reporting Solution - Are you looking for a .NET reporting solution? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making BI software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. As a web-based application, InetSoft makes a good option for delivering self-service oriented reporting dashboards. View a 2-minute demo and test drive a free online version. Build self-service oriented visual ad hoc reports quickly...
What Is Canned Reporting? Typically this is the way organizations start with some sort of business intelligence initiative. It begins with canned reporting. This could be a sales report, or it could be regular financial statements. Reports are really designed to answer a specific question or maybe a set of specific questions. Some of you may have experienced reporting packages like Crystal Reports. You might already understand the value of pure reporting; really just getting information in a pixel perfect format to your end user to answer those questions. However, there are situations when a canned report falls short of what you need...
What Is Data Mapping? - Data mapping is a process that enables you to transform an unstructured data set into a structured one. This data transformation may be required based on the type of query you want to perform on it. For example, you might want to create a report or generate data for a specific business process. Mapping is an integral part of any database development project because it can help improve the performance and usability of your application. Mapping allows you to use your existing database tables to create reports and dashboards that are impossible with traditional database queries...
Why Is Data Product Management Necessary? - Data product management is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, good data product management helps your organization to be more efficient and effective. This means you can spend less time on administrative work and more on research, development, design, or other important business tasks. Second, good data product management will help your company better understand its customers and their needs. This allows you to provide them with what they need while making informed decisions about how you can best serve them. Thirdly, good data product management will help your company save money as it eliminates the need for unnecessary overhead costs like IT support staff and office space rental fees...