More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's Machine Learning Analytic Software
BI Software Maker - We create reports with your data (or mentor you to do so) You use the reports/software for free (as a single user)...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Business Intelligence Software Maker Reviews - Since 1996 InetSoft has been an innovating developer of business dashboard software. To date, our software has been used by over 5,000 organizations across the world and has been embedded into commercial solutions of other ISVs and SaaS providers. Read customer and partner reviews on G2 Crowd and Software Advice...
Business Machine Learning Applications - Machine learning applications have the power to transform companies and elevate them to new heights. InetSoft has brought its flagship BI software to the realm of machine learning by providing an integrated visual analytics interface to help end users understand the results of a machine learning model...
Company Offering Machine Learning Analytics - As a machine learning analytics company, we tend to focus on automation, time savings, and something that we are going to talk about in more detail later, graphical interfaces that can bring people who know more about the business closer to the data...
Cost-effective Analytics and Decision-Making - Faster, better, cheaper analytics and decision-making, these are the goals I see very often in many verticals. The stakes here and the scale here just seem to be much larger. So speaking of scale you have a fourth generation analytic solution...
Dashboard Analytics Solution - Since 1996 InetSoft has been a pioneering provider of dashboard analytics software. Create quick, accurate, and attractive dashboards in minutes by utilizing an intuitive drag-and-drop design that suitable for all users, regardless of technological prowess. IT professionals can take things a step further using the fully featured scripting engine for dashboard creation...
Example of Healthcare Data Analytics - How about an example of data science applied to healthcare? Do we have an opportunity to look to beyond the technology into an actual use case? You probably can't name them, but where and how is this being used, and what are the paybacks...
Free Cloud Dashboard Platform Offer - Backed by real-world experience, we will help you choose most functional and cost efficient setup for your cloud platform...
Getting Started with a Machine Learning Solution - This brings us to the next point about how we can get started implementing machine learning solutions. First I think we've seen increasing machine learning processing power that's really required, and it enables you to increase your computing power...
Information about Visual Analytics Tools - Looking for visual analytics tools? InetSoft offers free and commercial options. The commercial app is a web-based BI platform that can mashup disparate data sources. The free one is also web-based and you can simply upload your data file or spreadsheet and begin visualizing it. Read articles below about InetSoft's BI and analytics solution...
Machine Learning Algorithm for Churn - This sounds like an intimidatingly technical topic to someone who is not a data scientist, but in fact, it's not hard for business people to understand the concepts of the various algorithms used in machine learning basics. You could treat machine learning as a black box where you do not even know what it is using inside to give you the best answer, but it is rather useful to know what the black box can do for you...
Machine Learning Analytics in Healthcare - We're here to learn how a leading healthcare analytics software provider and OEM partner of InetSoft's delivers actionable investigative intelligence for healthcare fraud detection using machine learning analytics. As an analytics industry professional and a social media producer I speak with a lot of consumers of technology to uncover the business value from innovative uses of the latest IT systems and processes...
Machine Learning Business Applications - Machine learning extracts information from data that is not apparent to even experienced business users. Data scientists normally spearhead this process using specialized data science tools such as Python and R, but Business users are most times limited to static ML output and reports. InetSoft changes that...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Marketing Doesn't Need a Data Scientist - To get started and to experiment with machine learning, in marketing or any business function, you do not need a data scientist. You just need to be as skilled as an Excel power user, someone who knows the data and is comfortable doing analytics...
Mashing Up Machine Intelligence with Human Intelligence - This week Dow Jones published an interesting article about the limitations of machine learning and the need to supplement it with human intelligence. In fact, that's the inspiration of our tagline "Mashup Machine Intelligence with Human Intelligence...
Options for Machine Learning Technology - Evaluating machine learning technology options? InetSoft is an industry pioneer providing easier, more cost-effective business software solutions. Request a personalized demo...
Predictive Analytics Application from InetSoft - InetSoft offers a powerful BI Solution coupled with predictive analytics enabling organizations harness existing data to the fullest. InetSoft is top-rated by users on G2 Crowd. Interact with examples and register for a personalized demo...
Predictive Metrics for Machine Learning - Customer churn is a very addressable problem for machine learning. This use case we found to discuss focuses on mobile apps user engagement. With this use case as the basis, this is the first in a series of posts we will share that walk through the concepts business people will want to understand when considering machine learning as a tool for reducing churn...
Resources for Machine Intelligence Solutions - Find machine intelligence solution resources from InetSoft, an industry pioneering providing easier, more cost-effective business software solutions. Request a personalized demo...
Successfully Launching a Business Intelligence Project - Launching a business intelligence (BI) project is much like any other project in that its success relies on your ability to accurately identify requirements and provide a means of fulfilling them. In addition to following standard project management protocol, use the tips below to ensure your business intelligence project's success...
Systems for Machine Learning - InetSoft's machine learning information system is built into its industry pioneering BI platform. Read articles about its capabilities and request a personalized demo...
Time Between Analytics Questions and Answers - Suffice to say it certainly sounds like you've been able to compress the time between analytics question and answer. This isn't a long term batch issue, and that allows investigation to take place where one answer to a question leads to the next question...
Utilizing Machine Learning For Predictive Analytics - Now let's move on to machine learning which is a subset of artificial intelligence. It provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed and utilize predictive analytics to forecast outcomes and also to assess the probability of future predictive events...
Vendor of Dashboard Analytics - Are you looking for a good dashboard analytics provider? Since 1996 InetSoft has been making BI software that is easy to deploy and easy to use. Build self-service oriented dashboards and visual analyses quickly. InetSoft's data mashup engine solves the data access and transformation challenges that other tools cannot. View a 3-minute demo and read customer reviews...
Visual Analytic Report Software Provider - We create reports with your data (or mentor you to do so) You use the reports/software for free (as a single user)...