What KPIs and Metrics Does the Chief Librarian of a Public Library View in a Daily Reporting Platform?
The Chief Librarian of a public library may use a daily reporting platform to monitor various key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics related to library operations, patron engagement, resource utilization, and service delivery. These metrics provide insights into the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of library services and help inform strategic decision-making. Here are some common KPIs and metrics that the Chief Librarian may view in a daily reporting platform:
Library Visits: Tracking the number of visitors to the library provides insights into patron traffic patterns, peak visitation times, and overall library usage.
Circulation Statistics: Monitoring circulation metrics, including the number of items borrowed, returned, and renewed, helps assess the popularity of library materials, patron borrowing behavior, and collection usage.
Program Attendance: Tracking attendance metrics for library programs, events, workshops, and classes helps evaluate program effectiveness, patron engagement, and community outreach efforts.
Digital Services Usage: Analyzing metrics related to digital services, such as e-book downloads, database usage, online resource access, and website visits, helps gauge the demand for digital content and technology resources.
Reference and Information Services: Monitoring reference transactions, inquiries received, and patron interactions at service desks helps assess the demand for reference assistance, information literacy needs, and user satisfaction levels.
Library Membership: Tracking library membership metrics, including new registrations, renewals, and active memberships, helps evaluate patron acquisition and retention efforts and assess the growth of the library's user base.
Collection Management: Assessing metrics related to collection development, including new acquisitions, withdrawals, deselection, and collection turnover rates, helps ensure the relevance, currency, and diversity of library materials.
Facility Utilization: Monitoring facility usage metrics, such as room bookings, meeting space reservations, and study room occupancy, helps optimize space utilization, assess demand for library amenities, and plan for facility improvements.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services: Tracking ILL metrics, including requests fulfilled, turnaround times, and borrowing/lending ratios, helps evaluate the effectiveness of resource sharing partnerships and expand access to materials beyond the library's collection.
User Satisfaction Surveys: Collecting feedback from patrons through satisfaction surveys, ratings, and comments helps assess user satisfaction levels, identify areas for improvement, and prioritize service enhancements based on patron preferences and needs.
Technology Infrastructure: Monitoring metrics related to technology infrastructure, including computer usage, Wi-Fi connectivity, printing/scanning services, and equipment maintenance, helps ensure the reliability, accessibility, and functionality of library technology resources.
Community Outreach and Engagement: Assessing metrics related to community outreach activities, partnerships, collaborations, and outreach events helps evaluate the library's role as a community hub, promote literacy initiatives, and foster civic engagement.
“Flexible product with great training and support. The product has been very useful for quickly creating dashboards and data views. Support and training has always been available to us and quick to respond.
- George R, Information Technology Specialist at Sonepar USA
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Delivery Options for Reports - The last, and arguably most important, step in the report process is the delivery. If a user does not receive the report when they need it, in a viewable format, the entire development process was for nothing. InetSoft's Style Intelligence provides integrated archive, time-based scheduling, data-based alert notification, dashboards, various export formats, and report bursting. Each of these features increases efficiency by taking the burden off the administrative staff...
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Reliable Report Delivery Platform - Regular reports are vital for the monitoring and control of business conditions. But in many cases, the production of daily, weekly, monthly, and annual reports puts additional demands on administrators and employees. And with so much business travel and work done out in the field, report accessibly and deliverability can also be an issue. Our solution, Style Report, makes the setting up and delivery of weekly reports easy and efficient...
Target Triggers for Report Distribution - Report targets triggers allow users to schedule metric alerts at needed intervals. InetSoft's visually driven reporting software empowers executives with the tools to extract and pair information when needed. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution...
Tasks for Report Scheduling - Report scheduler tasks are simple to implement with InetSoft's reporting software, a robust javascript business intelligence platform that has been implemented at thousands of organizations worldwide. View the information below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution...
Template for Business Intelligence RFP - This is the continuation of a BI RFI template received from a large US nonprofit wanting self-service reporting and analytics. InetSoft's responses are provided...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
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Visually Stunning Analytical Dashboard - Since 1996, InetSoft has offered its visually stunning analytical dashboard software to enterprises and OEMs alike. InetSoft's Style Intelligence is a comprehensive platform that will redefine your consolidation, reporting, and performance management functions in one easy, agile, and robust dashboard...
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Friendly BI Platform - A visually interactive and user friendly BI platform, InetSoft's Style Intelligence can extract data from both small and large sources, to create a single source of actionable information. InetSoft's intuitive interface makes it easy for both executives and everyday users to get the most insights from their organization's data.
Users Talking About InetSoft BI Software - Since 1996 InetSoft has been an innovating developer of business dashboard software. To date, our software has been used by over 5,000 organizations across the world and has been embedded into commercial solutions of other ISVs and SaaS providers. Read customer and partner reviews on G2 Crowd and Software Advice...