More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's Solution for Analytical Performance Management
Advice for Analyzing Management Performance - Here is the thing you learn when you analyze management performance. You have got the top-level echelon there, and they are sitting in a little glasshouse, and they think everything is great, right, that's a typical classical scenario. And then you have the staff down there at the very bottom, and you know, they are hands-on everyday with that equipment and whatever, and they know the stuff is just falling apart. It's a complete disconnect...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Analytics Tools for Companies of All Sizes - In any business, finding and implementing the best analytics tools is one of the most important factors in setting yourself up for success. The steps taken to track statistics and monitor important performance data in order to make good business decisions is often crucial in the success or failure of a business. Companies of all sizes often have vast spreadsheets tracking different performance indicators such as sales, expenses, or upcoming orders, but all of this information is irrelevant if it cannot be properly interpreted. The best business analytics tools allow users to take all of this static information and combine it into dashboards, reports, and visualizations that can be better understood by all company members...
Best BI Tools to Play With - So even if you have the best BI tools to play with in the world, if you don't have the underlying data foundation cleaned up first, you're going to end up having a lot more work and effort, and you're going to end up an army of analysts with Excel spreadsheets. They'll end up, maybe not using Excel spreadsheets, but still being data jockeys, trying to link together the way things are done in the planning process and marketing the way things are being done with the planning process and finance and see if they're still calling revenue or new customers the same thing...
Capabilities of Geographic Mapping Analytical Dashboard - User-friendly interface for easy filtering and sorting options Easy multi-tasking to compare charts and graphs while drilling down into details E-mail, import, export, and print visual analysis Interactive data mashup for quick and effective analysis Maximum self-service of all user types Use Google maps, standard countries and regions, and custom maps View data from multiple sources and formats on one dynamic screen...
Clear Approach for Monitoring - Scorecards are a clear approach for monitoring and measuring behavior and performance. You can create scorecards that include a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) that compare current performance data alongside goals, quotas, and target trends. The scorecard can also include useful information on what needs to be done if goals are not met...
Collection of Interactive Visualization Dashboard Examples - Data dashboards allow you to quickly view KPIs for different departments within your organization. They're also useful when you need to compare how well each department is performing against its goals. Click on an image to open one of these live interactive dashboards in a new tab. These industry specific visualization dashboards allow you to get a feel for how easy it to use InetSoft's data dashboard software...
Color-coded Scorecarding - As in all business performance management applications, scorecards are a well-defined method for monitoring, measuring, and managing performance by tracking metrics against goals, budget, or forecast. The InetSoft Scorecard consists of a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) that compare current performance data against goals, quotas, and target trends with simple color-coding for quick recognition. The scorecard also incorporates information on what action to take if the specified goals are not met. The key advantages are the added capacities for...
Comparison Between Balanced Scorecards and Dashboards - How do you compare a balanced scorecard versus a dashboard? Balanced scorecards can be thought of as a type of dashboard. The difference is a scorecard is defined kind of view of corporate performance, covering most, if not all of a company's functional areas as they feed up to overall company objectives. Think of the annual objectives the board, or the C-level team, or performance management consultants come up with that will lead to short-and long-term profitability growth. Each functional area will have metrics that influence or correlate with that objective. The balanced scorecard tracks the actual performance against these objectives, often times in a tabular format with the red/yellow/green traffic light motif to be able to scan where performance is coming in...
Cycle of Defining Your Metrics - But business intelligence and performance management are completely different. Because by design, you go through the regular cycle of defining your metrics and defining how you will source and calculate them. You actually develop them and roll them out, and you test them. You put them in front of the business users, and after a few months have passed since the beginning of the BI project, guess what happens...
Data Feeds Into Your Analyses - What is this ocean of data look like for your company? What are the critical data sources that feed into your analyses? What are the applications that you are using most? How can you improve that data quality to help build user trust in the data? And what are the ways you can remove the barriers of information transfer and improve the accessibility and speed of access for that data...
Data Mashups Empower Employees - InetSoft's Style Intelligence lets you take performance management to the next level by allowing you to build performance reports from a variety of data sources. Being able to see the whole picture of your organization's data leads to more actionable results. - Giving end-users the ability to create their own data mashups empowers employees to explore business questions on their own. With Style Intelligence's web-based platform, you can easily collaborate on BI with employees in other locations, and access those new reports from wherever business takes you. InetSoft's Style Intelligence lets you take performance management to the next level by allowing you to build performance reports from a variety of data sources. Being able to see the whole picture of your organization's data leads to more actionable results...
Demo of a Dashboard Development Tool - Looking for good dashboard development tools? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. Some of the issues around increasing the potential of the best embedded analytics with Cloud platforms and frameworks, which is really one of the big changes in this world of embedded analytics...
Easy Enterprise Dashboard Software - InetSoft's dashboarding software is an easy, intuitive application that requires little expertise for first time users. Dashboarding software is a highly effective business intelligence tool. It can be monitoring-oriented or analysis-oriented and is the foundation of performance management software. InetSoft's dashboarding software uses a visualization-driven approach to enable rapid deployment of self-service business dashboards. They are business user-driven and offer strong analytic functions. The key advantages are...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Evaluate InetSoft's Apache Business Intelligence Tool - Looking for a good business intelligence tool to run on Apache? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. Maximize self-service for all types of users. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft's solution is true Software-as-a-Service for hosted and self-hosting, not a combination of client developer tools and a web-based delivery platform...
Examples of OLAP Software Queries - What is the breakdown of sales by salesperson in a specific region? How does lead time across departments compare to last year's performance? What proportion of net sales is attributable to running a promotion on a single product line? Which sales reps are selling the most of a specific product in a specific region...
Find Leading Indicators to Select as KPIs - How do you find leading indicators, ones that will indicate future performance? There is no easy answer. I think once you get started measuring and tracking the obvious performance indicators, and you immerse yourself in them, begin to puzzle in your own head what else could be measured, what other event or activity might cause the indicator you're already watching to go up or down. That will lead you in the direction of the leading indicators...
Flexible Reporting and Analytics - Here are a couple of examples along those lines of where we're seeing organizations get more value out of BI for finance. One is in the more traditional financial reporting phase. What we're seeing more and more organizations do is use the data warehousing and BI as a flexible reporting and analytics space. Let the ERP system do basic statutory reporting, but for all the management reporting, the ability to slice and dice, see the business, look at multiple different dimensions, that's more of a BI workload. They're doing that on the BI data warehouse side of house and really easing the pressure on the ERP...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Good Dashboard Company to Evaluate - Today, data is overflowing and simple reporting structures can't keep up with demands. A dynamic dashboard from the top dashboard software company can push you ahead of the curve. InetSoft's Style Intelligence integrates sophisticated data analysis to reveal real time trends. Imagine using visual driven tools to illustrate key issues where spreadsheets can't. All levels within your company can now interpret the data with resounding speed. That's what an InetSoft dashboard does...
Good MariaDB Reporting Tool - Looking for a good reporting tool to use with MariaDB? InetSoft's pioneering reporting application creates great dashboards and reports for MariaDB users with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. Business performance management is a combination of different management and analytical processes with the integration of technology. Performance management is an essential application of modern BI...
How Logistics Managers Use Analytics - The logistics industry has a treasure trove of data collected from various sources that prove invaluable when used to its fullest potential. Logistics companies can optimize their data collection by using online reporting and dashboard software . These systems can appropriately harness this large amount of big data into using productively to make business operations efficient. Business dashboards and analytical software enable organizations involved in supply chains to gain insightful data with just a few clicks... How the Performance Management Process is Implemented /business/solutions/business_performance_management_process/ - There are several stages of the performance management process. First, the company needs to set its goals. Secondly, it needs to plan and execute the strategies for achieving those goals. Finally, it needs to evaluate the efficiency of the goals and the strategy it has used to get there. Key figures who set the goals and assign tasks to employees are the one who are responsible for performance management...
Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility. |
Information About Performance Management Tools - Investigating performance management tools? InetSoft offers a software solution for dashboards, scorecards and visual analysis that can be easily deployed and used. Read articles below for related information, best practices, and tips. Easy to Use Performance Management Systems - InetSoft's dedicated Performance Management Systems and tools have delivered and continue to offer management reporting, scorecards, and dashboards that are easy to configure and deploy. Its business intelligence software platform, Style Intelligence, focuses on enterprise reporting and performance management...
Introducing Business Intelligence - Looking for an introduction to business intelligence? InetSoft is a BI software provider, and here you can view demos, see customer examples, and read articles explaining the basics of BI and best practices for implementing successful business intelligence. We can support the IT layer, where they have got tight controls on things, but enable self-service for the users. But I am sure that various vendors are going to come out with their own solutions to the problem as well...
Make Advanced Performance Management Simple - InetSoft's Style Intelligence gives end users with little technical background the ability to create customizable dashboards, reports, and scorecards for tracking KPIs. Does your performance data come from multiple sources? InetSoft's patent-pending Data Block enables data to be mapped from multiple sources into a data integration environment that supports a spreadsheet-like user interface...
Methods for Effective Scorecard Design - First and foremost, to be a useful, a scorecard must track the right key performance indicators. The ultimate goal of creating a scorecard is to identify a select number of business metrics and assign objectives to them. When referred to later on it should be possible to reach a solid conclusion regarding performance versus expectations. Methods for creating a scorecard have evolved many times since they became a popular BI tool. Today there are four main components to consider before creating one...
Mistakes in Performance Management - So the question before us today is how do we move beyond that? How do we keep using these business management tools? There are lots of different things that I could share with you today, but I thought the best way to start will be to share with you are what I call the six fatal mistakes in performance management. I think this is a very important conversation because if you are going to build a sustainable model of performance management, it is very best, in my opinion, that you know where you're failing. You need to be able to identify where the traps are, and if you see yourself falling into one of these traps, you can avoid it...
Optimize Overall Performance - Dashboards are an effective visualization tool for monitoring business performance. Ranging from executive dashboards, to interactive visual analysis, to business management dashboards, the app's user-defined dashboards allows users to better analyze their data, making it easier to recognize the enterprise's organizational strengths and weaknesses...
Option for Insight Dashboard Reporting - Looking for insight reporting software? InetSoft, a pioneer in self-service oriented reporting software, can manage your reports. Highly rated customer service holds your hand during the entire process. View a demo and try interactive examples. By observing and analyzing these processes, companies can gain significant insight on different shifts and trends which progress and hinder their business...
Performance Management Process and Tools - Guess what that leads to consequence wise. They answered, and they hung up, They answered and they hung up as many times as they could, without listening to the customer, without being nice to the customer, without saying hello or good day or how else can I help you, is there anything else you need assistance with, any of that. So what happens? Well, customer satisfaction drops dramatically. At that point, you really don't need any increased productivity anymore because there is nobody calling you anymore. Performance management process and tools can be easily integrated to managing performance of people, equipment and processes...
Plan and Measure for Government Agencies - On the other hand, many government agencies don't have that luxury. I have been doing a lot of work in the science and technology and research areas and there are no peer groups for the government in some of those areas. So who you are and what influences you has a direct impact on what you measure and what targets you set. Some government agencies don't have the luxury of benchmarking against other organizations...
Read About Business Intelligence Usage Stories - Read about business intelligence usage stories. Hear how companies give their executives performance management dashboards. Read how others use data mashup functionality to unify disparate data sources to provide comprehensive dashboard reporting. All of them leverage InetSoft's business intelligence technology to derive intelligence from their data...
Scorecard Tab in the Portal - The scorecard provides an easy way to monitor multiple targets on a single page. In addition to checking status, you can drill down on a metric to see more detail, and set up alert notification for a failing metric. To view the scorecard, simply click on the Scorecard tab in the Portal. To subscribe to targets, when viewing your scorecard, click 'Show all targets'. You can simply click the 'Subscribe' checkbox next to those targets you wish to add to your personal scorecard. Creating a target involves the following steps...
Show Me Analytical Tools Examples - Is your company's data too big and complex to understand? InetSoft is your solution! With InetSoft's analytical tools, you can expect fresh new insights that will increase both the internal and external performance of your organization. Data analysis is the process of evaluating data and drawing conclusions. When used properly it can help an organization discover things that they would not have otherwise known. Data analysis is implemented in many different fields, such as construction, healthcare, and education as well as many others...
Read why choosing InetSoft's cloud-flexible BI provides advantages over other BI options. |
Supply Chain Key Performance Indicators - Average visits to purchase Average days to purchase Planned value Value added Real cost Business impact analysis Spend data accuracy Economic order equality. The bubble graph to the right shows client orders by price and time to produce. It utilizes a unique visual style to display this information in a compact manner...
Student Performance Dashboard Example - The student performance dashboard portrayed below is an example of the intuitive and powerful functionalities that InetSoft's user-friendly analytical dashboards provide organizations across all ranges. A leader in dashboard, reporting, and data mashup solutions, InetSoft offers a solution that is perfect for organizations in need of an easy-to-use, yet more-than-capable software that enhances business operations...
Struggling with Having Performance Measures - They were struggling with not having a shared vision, not having performance measures, having too many initiatives, and no prioritization. So they asked us to help them, and what we came up with, with them, was a mission that was directly tied to a vision. A vision was directly decomposable or divisible, if you will, and there's some specific focus areas called strategic themes, the pillars of excellence of this organization if you will, and this is a government agency...
Switched From Other Dashboard Companies - Customers have switched from other dashboard companies including Tableau ( Power BI (Microsoft) Domo iDashboards Logi Analytics YellowfinBI Cognos (IBM) Oracle. All of the CXOs are concerned in one or another way in their industry about capital investment, risk management, employee utilization, productivity, and customer revenue. It's all tied together...
Use More Business Intelligence Capabilities - You actually use more business intelligence capabilities. So in between the execution phase and the final evaluation, you're constantly tracking and monitoring your performance so you can tune your execution. That's where business intelligence with dashboards for analysis and monitoring come in. And in between the evaluation phase and incorporating your learnings or findings and adapting your strategy, you need to do some in-depth analytics. That's the more traditional forecasting or predictive analytics as well as things like data mining. So there is a piece that is more business intelligence as it relates to the management system, and then there is a piece that is more performance management, and you couple them together...
Useful Performance Information - In operations you have horizontal thinking. If I am an operations guy, it's how much money you are going to give me, what are the deliverables I need to make and how long do I have to do it. So it deals with inputs and processes and outputs and outcomes. We can put our measurement stethoscope anywhere we need to to get useful information, useful performance information. And we need both, don't we? We need strategic information, but we also need operational information...
Why Don't Companies Pursue Performance Management? - A lot of it has to do with existing belief systems, culture, politics, skills, and a whole host of things. It has to do though with people. It's not the technology. The technology is pretty advanced and fairly evolved at this point. So why don't people want to do it. Well, sometimes it's just plain inertia. It's like "well, you we don't like the status quo, but we know it," and nobody likes change. Human beings basically don't like change...