InetSoft's Embeddable Dashboard Solutions

The award-winning InetSoft dashboard software application offers embeddable dashboard solutions that lead to high end user adoption and significant increases in productivity. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution.

To convert a regular Data Table to an embedded table, follow these steps:

1. In the table title bar, click the 'Show Live Data' button. This will populate the table with data.

2. Right-click the title bar of the table, and select 'Convert to embedded Table'.

This creates a new table with the name of 'Query'. Once the table is converted into an embedded table, it cannot be reverted back to a regular table. In the following example, the 'Sales by Category' query is converted to an editable embedded table.

Reporting Software Demo

1. Create a new Worksheet by clicking on the 'New Worksheet' button.

2. Expand the 'Query' node, and then the 'Orders' node.

3. Drag the 'Sales by Category' node from the tree to an empty cell in the Worksheet. A new table named 'Sales by Category1' is created.

4. Expand the table vertically so that it occupies a total of 11 rows in the Worksheet.

5. Click on the 'Show Live Data' button which is located in the upper right corner of the table.

6. Right-click on the title row and select 'Convert to Embedded Table'. A new table will be created with a name of 'Query1'. Expand the number of rows so that all rows are visible.

7. Now, click on any of the cells of the 'Query1' table. Notice that all of the cells in this table are now editable.

To import data from a delimited text file into an embedded table, follow the steps below:
The size of the embed ­ded table will change to match the number of rows and columns in the imported data.

1. Create a new embedded table, or select an existing embedded table. (Existing data and column names will be overwritten by the imported data.)

2. Right-click the title bar of the embedded table, and select 'Import CSV' from the context menu. This opens the 'Import CSV' dialog box.

3. Click 'Select File', and choose the desired text file. (By default, only files with the extension “.csv” are shown. To view all file types, enter “*.*” in the 'File Name' field, and press Enter.)

4. From the 'Encoding' menu, select the encoding of the text file.

5. In the 'Delimiter' field, enter the character that is used in the text file to separate entries. The default delimiter character is a comma. For tab-delimited files, select the 'Tab' option.

6. Adjust any of the following optional settings to modify the way the file data is interpreted:

a. Select 'First Row as Header' to use the entries in the first row of the text file as the column header text. Otherwise, default column names are used ( “col0,” “col1,” etc.).

b. (Optional) Select 'Unpivot' if the data in the file is in crosstab table form. This will convert the crosstab table into a regular table by converting the header row into a “dimension” column, and converting the crosstab cells into a “measure” column.

c. (Optional) Select 'Remove Quotation Marks' to strip quotation marks out of the text file upon import.
The delimited text is imported into the embedded table, and the table resizes itself to the correct number of columns.

Previous: Embedded Dashboard Table