More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's Smartsheet Dashboard Application
Ad Hoc Reporting Table Wizard - InetSoft's reporting software features embeddable tables that allow you to sift through complex data at a glance. View the example below to learn more about creating a table with the Style Intelligence solution. A table is a standard element used in most reports to display data. You can also group the data, and calculate subtotals and grand totals. There are also Crosstab and Section Wizards which provide similar results. Learn the difference between these three and understand when to use each...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Alternative AskNicely Reporting Software - Looking to create customer service dashboards that pull in your AskNicely data in real-time? AskNicely is a cloud-based online survey software that helps businesses create surveys and collect feedback in real time based on Net Promoter Score...
Best Weekly Dashboard Reporting Software - Looking for good weekly dashboard reporting software? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Comparing Metabase to InetSoft - Metabase offers an attractive looking visual SQL query building tool to serve ad hoc reporting and charting needs. InetSoft offers a completely customizable data visualization, analytics, dashboarding and reporting platform with a very strong data mashup and transformation engine...
Dashboard Option for Sendible - Looking for a better dashboard analytics solution tool for your social media marketing performance measurement than what Sendible provides. Gain greater self-service from personalized dashboards to easier design of new analytics. Create data mashups with other organizational data outside of Sendible for a wider picture of performance. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Data Virtualization Plays A Key Role - Today, enterprise architectures need agility to support business initiatives, and data virtualization can play a key role in this. In this webinar we will provide insights on how data virtualization provides information agility to your enterprise architecture project to deliver business value and significant competitive event...
Evaluate InetSoft's Salesforce Dashboard Report Alternative - Looking for a good solution for Salesforce dashboard reporting? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking dashboards that give you more self-service analytic capabilities. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Example of a Manufacturing Sales Dashboard - Are you searching for good examples of manufacturing sales dashboards? As you can see in this sample, dashboards are strong instruments for doing just that. The dashboard provided exposes many key performance indicators in a highly visual and coherent manner...
Great Business Dashboard Graphics - Visual dashboard design facilitates the identification of visual elements in business reports leading to the quick recognition of marketplace trends. To represent data using fill pattern or shape, drag a dimension or measure from the 'Data Source' panel to the 'Shape' field in the 'Visual' panel...
Ideas for Dashboard Design - Below are some dashboard ideas to give you inspiration for what your business can do with Style Intelligence...
Interactive Company Drill Down Reports - A drill-down will allow you to access information associated with a report element. It is often used to show the detail behind a summary value. Our example utilizes the 'Interactive' report. In the 'Interactive' report you can drill down on different report elements by just clicking on the hyperlinks, i.e., one of the bars in the 'Revenue by Year' chart, one of the States in the 'Sales by Geography' section, or one of the company names in the 'Purchaser List'. Elements even support multiple hyperlinks, which will appear in a popup hyperlink menu...
Introducing Portlet Dashboards - A portlet dashboard is a visual monitoring tool that presents a cluster of display components on a single screen. These components are typically used to display Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that provide rapid comprehension of business activities. Style Intelligence gives you the ability to configure and set up your own portlet dashboards and subscribe to existing dashboards. The next sections explain how to do this...
Gallery of Mobile BI Samples - View samples below of mobile BI dashboards from different departments and industries built using InetSoft's easy and flexible business intelligence application, Style Intelligence. InetSoft has been a software pioneer since 1996 delivering self-service oriented data intelligence solutions with over 5,000 happy customers worldwide...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Good Steel Manufacturing Dashboard Example - As you can see to the right, dashboards are powerful tools for doing just that. The example dashboard provided here tracks many key performance metrics in a highly visual and understandable manner...
Importance of the Dashboard within the Mining Industry - This is where the importance of the dashboard within the mining industry starts to show itself. With the dashboard, operators can quickly get all the information that they need to understand the problem at hand and provide a long-lasting solution to it. The fact that dashboards are data-driven and produce real-time and reliable estimates of the variables surrounding a process correlated with other systems and are used as vital tools in solving problems make them something of a necessity for the mining industry...
Searching for a Tool for Creating 3D Dashboards - Searching for a tool for creating 3D dashboards? InetSoft offers easy to use dashboard software with flashy dashboard designer for creating cool looking three dimensional charts and graphs. View a demo...
Short 2-Minute Intro Demo - View a short 2-minute presentation to get an overview of how InetSoft's data mashup enables visual analytics, pixel-perfect reporting and machine-generated intelligence...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Specifically Design and Create Dashboards - So there's another question here about how to specifically design and create dashboards in InetSoft? So, there is a great webinar on our webinar space on the website, I don't remember the exact name of it, but if you go to webinar page, it will be quite clear and done a few months ago, it actually shows you moving from data to dashboard showing you step by step how you create the dashboard. So definitely there is this type of webinar available to you if you want to watch it...
Tool for Creating Viewsheet Dashboards - InetSoft's dashboard software is setup for users to create viewsheet dashboards, a simple process that can be used to form sophisticated dashboards in a matter of minutes. Business users with any excel-level skills can quickly build live interactive dashboards that are far better than the static ones they are used to. Instantly they become ad hoc reporting tools that saves data analysts time from having to create new custom reports for each momentary need...
Trends in the Dashboard Industry - Today I will be talking to you about some of the best practices that are used by InetSoft to help you build a winning dashboard. Now, just before start with today's topic, a little bit of introduction to InetSoft to those of who are new to us. We have been around for more than 20 years, a pioneer in the visualization and BI space. Some of you may know us back from the reporting tool days...
Tried the Dashboard a Second Time - They tried the dashboard a second time. This time, they decide to kind of acknowledge the culture of the company – their audience being fashion designers and merchandise buyers. They had to really understand what the fashions were...
What is a Performance Dashboard? - A performance dashboard's users are executives and managers. The data scope of a performance dashboard depends on the audience. Built-in performance goals in a performance dashboard distinguish it from other type of dashboards. Interact with a live example of a performance dashboard...
Which Is Better Than Tableau - Looking to see how InetSoft's solution stacks up against Tableau Software? Peer-to-peer business solutions review platform G2 Crowd has released its ratings of BI vendors and InetSoft has scored impressively, beating Tableau in the majority of ratings...
You Can Monitor ETL Processes Via a Dashboard - Another part of these ETL processes is monitoring them via a dashboard. Once you've loaded that data, you're going to be doing data loads, you're going to be loading new data into that on a recurring basis. Think of your ERP loading into a data warehouse...