More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's Salesforce Dashboard Report Alternative
Actuate Reporting Tool Alternative - G2 Crowd recently compared InetSoft Style Intelligence with Actuate's BIRT solution. InetSoft outranked BIRT in every category...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Advanced Dashboard Filtering Feature - Using InetSoft's award-winning dashboard software, users can unite complex and disparate data formats into one cohesive report by performing advanced dashboard data filtering. View the example below to learn more about adding filters to dashboards with the Style Intelligence solution...
Avoid ETL or a Data Warehouse - Do you assume you need ETL tools and a data warehouse for a BI solution? Our data dashboard tools offer Web based reporting and dashboard software that accesses disparate data sources directly...
Cloud-based Reporting Service - Are you looking for a way to create reports and track business performance? InetSoft's online reporting service is the ideal tool for users wanting to track their KPI's remotely without having to rely on specialized IT professionals and endless hours of setup. Whether it's installed on your local desktop, in the cloud, or at a server at your company's local intranet, this online reporting service allows users to access their reports through a web browser...
Collection of BI Dashboard Examples - Since 1996, InetSoft's dashboard software Style Intelligenceā¢ uses a visualization-driven approach to enable rapid deployment of business intelligence dashboards. They are business user-driven and offer strong analytic functions. Dashboard software has been established as a highly effective business intelligence tool. Our dashboards can be monitoring-oriented or analysis-oriented and are a foundation of performance management software...
Company Visual Analysis Dashboards - A visual analysis dashboard often contains multiple charts representing the same data in different ways. In this case, it is often useful to highlight corresponding data in different plots...
Consider InetSoft's Alternative to Open Source Reporting - Are you researching the commercial options from the open source reporting vendors...
Dashboard Report Scripting with InetSoft - Dashboard report scripting is an integral feature in InetSoft's dashboard software that allows users to customize data. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution...
Dashboard Reporting Examples Collection - Since 1996, InetSoft's dashboard software Style IntelligenceT uses a reporting-driven approach to enable rapid deployment of BI dashboards. They are business user-driven and offer strong reporting tools and functions. Dashboard software has been established as a highly effective business intelligence tool. Our dashboards can be monitoring-oriented or reporting-oriented and are a foundation of performance management software...
Dashboard Server Administration Tool - Here I'm logged into the Enterprise manager which as many of you already know is our web based server administration tool. We've added a new node on the left hand side here called monitoring that lays out a number of different pages for reading/managing/controlling and interacting with a list of different aspects of your current system...
Data Mashups of Your SAP Data - Another strong point for InetSoft's business intelligence software is support for data mashups. You can combine data from your SAP modules with almost any other data source you have in your organization such as: relational databases (JDBC), multi-dimensional databases, XML, SOAP, Java beans (POJO), EJB beans, flat files, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, OLAP cubes, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, and Siebel CRM...
Easily Deployed Analytic Dashboards - Are you searching for Analytic Dashboard Software that is robust enough to attract the attention of executives and satisfy the demands of power users...
Embedded Dashboards and Reporting for OEMs - Style Intelligence is built on open standards to easily integrate with other applications, both in the backend and the frontend. System integrators, ISVs, and SaaS providers can easily leverage best-of-breed reporting and dashboarding in their own horizontal or vertical applications. Read below for more details and product features specific to embedding InetSoft's BI technology...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Embedding Dashboards in a Portal - Enterprise developers can embed any dashboard generated by InetSoft's application in their own web-based portal. Using the API, a developer can control almost every aspect of how the dashboards or reports appear. See this example below of how to code it...
Evaluate InetSoft's Cloud Reporting Tool - Looking for the best cloud reporting tool? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based reports with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Good Resource Planning Dashboard - Resource planning is an invaluable task that is a requisite undertaking in all industries. InetSoft's Style Intelligence makes resource planning far easier than in the past with interactive dashboards, embeddable reports, and a small Java footprint. View the example below and take the first step toward smart resource planning...
How to Add Data Elements to a Report - You will now add a new Table element. The number of rows and columns in the table is determined automatically when you bind the Table to the query in the next section. Follow the steps below to add the Table...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
How to Make Great Business Dashboard Graphics - Visual dashboard design facilitates the identification of visual elements in business reports leading to the quick recognition of marketplace trends...
InetSoft's OLAP Reporting and Dashboard Tool - Since 1996, InetSoft has offered sophisticated business intelligence tools for every enterprise and industry. Our product, Style IntelligenceT, is a software platform for dashboards, visual analysis, and reporting to be used in conjunction with an OLAP server or any combination of open standards data sources...
Informix Reporting Tool Option - Looking for a good solution for Informix dashboard reporting? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking cloud-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Quick Summary Dashboard Solution - So, what I can do is I can drag and drop the customers. Because they're row and column oriented, they fit to the grid instead of floating up like other elements. I can go ahead, and I can resize and format this however I want. If I choose a specific day, it's going to show me which companies fall within that date. My initial selections, these are considered valid selections...
Replacement for Tibco Spotfire - Are you looking for alternative to Tibco Spotfire's visualization software? InetSoft offers a web-based server solution that is better suited to enterprises and OEMs, yet is easy to deploy and use. Since 1996 InetSoft has been offering business intelligence applications that are flexible and powerful, serving over 5,000 enterprises and solution providers worldwide...
Report Writer Software Product - Looking for report writer software? InetSoft offers Web-based reporting software that includes an easy drag and drop designer and powerful production reporting features. Free evaluation download. View a demo. Read customer reviews...
Risk Dashboard Case Study - The Protecht Group is a leader in Enterprise Risk Solutions providing advanced training, advisory and risk management software solutions to its diverse client base. As part of their push to remain a leader in technology solutions, Protecht partnered with InetSoft in 2010 to integrate the InetSoft Business Intelligence application into Protecht.ERMT to enable stunning visualization of data captured in Protecht.ERM...
Show Sales Dashboard Examples - If you are looking for some ideas on how dashboards can be used to track sales, take some time to examine these sales dashboard examples. Hosted by InetSoft, this interactive sales dashboard can be explored using a wide range of functionalities, as are detailed in the different screen shots. Right away you will notice a variety of different charting styles, as well as the ability to narrow the range of data visualized with selection boxes, drop down menus and a range slider...
Solution to Generate Batch Reports - Using InetSoft's reliable report generator software allows for the automated generation of batch reports cleanly and consistently without the headaches. InetSoft Technology provides an excellent interactive report generator software, which enables the flexible transformation of data of all types into client-customizable batch generated reports and interactive dashboards...
Tools for Making New Database Reports - Do you need to generate pixel-perfect paginated reports for scheduled distribution or self-service drill-down usage via a Web portal? Do you want to report information in dashboards or scorecards, or want to offer point-and-click visual analysis...
Using InetSoft Dashboard Data Table Feature - InetSoft's dashboard software includes an easy-to-use data table that facilitates the design layout of reports that feature complex data sets. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence Solution...
Visual Reporting with SQL Query - InetSoft's SQL capabilities are flexible enough to empower skilled designers while self-service users simply point and click. Beyond building queries, InetSoft's data mashup engine seamlessly integrates disparate data sources. And data output can be quickly visualized within the same web app that delivers the dashboards and reports...