More Resources and Articles about InetSoft's Great Dashboard Creation Tools
Administrators Monitoring the Dashboard Server - Administrators are easily able to monitor their dashboard's server with InetSoft's dashboard software - a powerful and flexible business intelligence platform that has shaped the course of business at nearly a quarter of all Fortune 500 companies. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution. The only requirement for the Enterprise Manager and Report Portal is a web browser that supports AJAX/JavaScript/HTML5. This includes Netscape 7.6 and higher, IE 6.x and higher, Firefox 1.x and higher...
#1 Ranking: Read how InetSoft was rated #1 for user adoption in G2's user survey-based index |
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Agile Dashboard for Top Management - Looking to create an agile executive dashboard for top management? InetSoft's agile BI solution allows for the creation of visually appealing and communicative dashboards with edit functions that can be left unlocked, allowing managers to modify their dashboards in accordance with new needs that arise, and save their own personalized version. Agile BI is often defined in two ways. The first is performing a BI implementation in an agile manner through iterations. Users may not know exactly what metrics are useful to them ahead of performing analysis, so giving them some draft versions of their reports allows them to fine-tune as they are go along...
Box Reporting Software for Content Management - Box's software is a platform for content management, workflow, and project management. Effective project reporting is essential for an organization's progress and should be implemented at all levels ranging from employees to owners and executives. The right status reporting software will integrate all relevant sources of data, making it easy to keep all of an organization's activities in check. InetSoft's flagship tool, Style Intelligence, includes a custom web connector for Box data, as well as connectors for a host of other data sources, both cloud and on-site...
Build This Financial Report - For this example, we could build this financial report from scratch but in the interest of giving you some time to talk to us, we are going to use an existing report, formatted already. And one of the things that we want to make sure we share with you is in this report definition you will notice this looks the same as what we went through before, but here we are going to take advantage of few other things. For example, this filter, we are going to say that we want a wild card. So everything that includes the letters 'fix' in the starting position is what's going to be included in this report...
Building a Global NOC Dashboard - A dashboard for monitoring an enterprise's global network performance must access many data sources. And InetSoft, a premium BI software vendor, offers an application that handles big data with ease. Some of the features of the InetSoft flagship product, Style Intelligence, were made to deal with problems specific to wrangling overly-large, often diverse and disparate, data sources. The emphasis of ease comes from a drag and drop interface that takes the more IT intensive parts of building a performance dashboard and pushes them into the background. This is a great advantage over other BI visualization software providers, because Style Intelligence lets the project designer experiment with data relations and aesthetic without wasting tightly budgeted time...
Business Dashboard Graphics - Visual dashboard design facilitates the identification of visual elements in business reports leading to the quick recognition of marketplace trends. To represent data using fill pattern or shape, drag a dimension or measure from the 'Data Source' panel to the 'Shape' field in the 'Visual' panel. To specify the order in which the patterns/shapes are applied to the levels of a dimension, follow the steps below...
Commercial Chart Design Software - Looking for chart design software? InetSoft offers free and commercial software for Web-based charting and graphing. Style Scope Agile Edition is a free dashboard and chart design software, free for up to 2 users. Visualize Free is a free cloud-based data visualization and charting application Style Scope Enterprise Edition is commercial dashboarding, visualization and charting software. Chart Scripting Tutorial API - This appendix provides a set of chart examples to illustrate some common chart scripting tasks, such as color-coding data, changing labels and axes, and positioning chart annotations. The scripts in this appendix can be used for both Report Charts (using Report Designer) and Viewsheet Charts (using Visual Composer). However, there are some differences in how charts are configured in these different environments...
Company Dashboard Display - The way information is displayed has great effect on comprehension. InetSoft's dashboard display is fully customizable, allowing you to format information however you feel is best suited for your needs. A map displays summarized data grouped by physical location in the form of a geographical map. To create a map, drag the Map element from the Component Tree into the Viewsheet. Then follow the general steps below...
Dashboard App for Schools - InetSoft's user-friendly analytical dashboard app provide organizations across all ranges with the analytics they need. A leader in dashboard, reporting, and data mashup solutions, InetSoft offers a solution that is perfect for organizations in need of an easy-to-use, yet more-than-capable software that enhances business operations. The flexibility offered by InetSoft's dashboard tools make them a perfect candidate for a dashboard. Users will also be empowered with great control over the search and analysis process with tools like range sliders, drop-down bars, radio buttons, and combo boxes to filter fields such as students by education level, students by language, specific students, attendance, and assignment/assessment scores to paint a clearer picture...
Dashboard Product Resources - These pages are useful resources about InetSoft's dashboard software, including demos, examples, how-to's and explanations of the benefits and features. Dashboard Component Data - InetSoft's dashboard software allows users to customize component data to ensure that complex info is broken down into easy to recognize pieces. For Table, Crosstab, and Selection List components, expression scripts can acquire actual data values from the component using relative or absolute references. The keywords below allow you to access cells within a table or Selection List by using relative indexing (i.e., reference in relation to current cell). You can type these keywords manually into your script, or you can click the appropriate node...
Dashboard Product Style Scope - This is a table of contents of useful product information about, and benefits of, InetSoft's dashboard capabilities that are part of Style Intelligence, the company's business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics, or Style Scope, the stand-alone dashboard software product. We also discover many hidden trends and gain knowledge of factors that routine reports fail to explain. In this way, we get a complete business overview at a glance. In comparison, analyzing the business reports and comprehending the results requires time, effort, and technical knowledge...
Digital Dashboard Software Product - Looking for digital dashboard software? InetSoft offers Web-based dashboard software that enterprises can deploy quickly, and ISV's can embed easily into their own applications. View a demo. Read customer reviews. Full control over dashboarding tool properties is just one of the robust features found in all of InetSoft's BI Software. The 'Properties' dialog box for Slider and Spinner components provides the following tabs: General, Data, and Advanced. The next sections discuss the input-specific properties available under these tabs. The General tab in the Slider and Spinner 'Properties' dialog box provides the following unique properties. Number Range Minimum: The starting value Maximum: The ending value Increment: The points at which the values are displayed...
Easy Live Dashboard Software - Looking for live dashboard software? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service dashboarding and makes it easy to create real-time dashboards with a drag and drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. Below are examples of dashboards built with InetSoft's Web dashboard software, some of which you can try out with the free downloadable 5-day evaluation copy of Style Intelligence...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Report as their production reporting tool. |
Example of a Medical Dashboard - Are you looking for medical dashboard examples? Try out this interactive mortality analysis dashboard from the InetSoft live dashboard gallery. This dashboard was made with InetSoft's commercial dashboard builder Style Intelligence. The ease of use and high level of interactivity in this example are proof of InetSoft's core concept of deploying advanced visualization without sacrificing computing power...
Evaluate Software for Generating Analytics Reports - Looking for good software for generating analytics report? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based reports with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft's Style Intelligence makes it easy for non technical users by making report generation a simple process that requires minimal expertise or administrative assistance. View the information below to learn more about this powerful reporting software...
Free Tools for Creating 3D Dashboards - Looking for tools for creating 3D dashboards? InetSoft offers Web-based dashboard software that has been deployed at several thousand enterprises worldwide spanning several industries. For a commercial version, visit the Style Scope product page, and see examples, view a demo, and read customer reviews. A free option can be found at and
FreshBooks Accounting Dashboard Application - Looking for a good dashboard application for FreshBooks? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking dashboards that mashup accounting data with other data in your enterprise. View a demo and try interactive examples. Application highlights include visually-compelling and interactive dashboards that ensure greater end-user adoption plus pixel-perfect report generation, scheduling, and bursting. InetSoft's patent pending Data Block technology enables productive reuse of queries and a unique capability for end-user defined data mashup...
Read what InetSoft customers and partners have said about their selection of Style Scope for their solution for dashboard reporting. |
Great-looking Recurly Dashboard Application - Looking for a good dashboard application for Recurly? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard platform can mashup your subscription billing data with other enterprise sources. Make great-looking cloud-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. Deploy a small-footprint, easy-to-use Web-based dashboard application from InetSoft. As an innovator in reporting software since 1996, InetSoft has pioneered the evolution from static reporting towards interactive visualization of data via dashboards...
How to Build a Great Dashboard - Dashboards are quintessential to study the key performance indicators (KPIs) of a project's progress. With the help of these panels, you can get a quick look at the vital information regarding your company's growth. Graphs, data tables, and balanced scorecards sum up the main points of the process. But for a dashboard to be efficient, it needs to have clear, concise, and coherent information. Additionally, the design and aesthetic features should help your data be visually pleasing and easy to read. In this article, you'll learn, step-by-step, how to design and build a great dashboard...
InetSoft's Application for Web Dashboards - Looking for a good application for web dashboards? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service dashboarding with pricing comparable to Power BI. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft's dashboard tool can easily connect any in-cloud data sources for both in-cloud and on-premises deployment. Salesforce, Facebook and Google Analytics are just a few examples. Because InetSoft's Style Intelligence is a 100% web app, it is best suited for in-cloud business intelligence...
Information About Business Analytics Reporting Software - Looking for business analytics reporting solutions? InetSoft offers Web-based reporting software that enterprises can deploy quickly, and business people find easy to use. View a demo. Read customer reviews. Ad Hoc Report Software - Looking to design or modify interactive reports yourself, without outside help? The ability to transform data into charts and tables for easier analysis is something that more business users are looking to take into their own hands. Perhaps you've tried to work with experts and had difficulty communicating exactly what you were looking for in your reports. There's a solution for independently creating the reports that you want, one that requires only a small amount of learning...
Interactive Dashboards for ISV's - Researching how to design information dashboards? InetSoft offers Web-based dashboard software that includes a drag and drop designer for creating impactful, interactive dashboards for enterprises and ISV's. Read articles below for more information. Aggregating Dashboard Data - Users can easily aggregate data and create comprehensive reports from different data sources using InetSoft's award-winning dashboard software. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution. To define grouping and aggregation columns...
Intervals Dashboarding Tool Example - Looking for a good solution for Intervals dashboarding? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking dashboards that mashup time tracking data with other enterprise data sources. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft's dashboarding software is so fast that it allows users to make queries that produce nearly instantaneous results. View the example below to learn more about the Style Intelligence solution...
Listing of Visual Dashboards - This is a listing of relevant product information about, and features of, InetSoft's visual dashboard application. Decision Support System Dashboards - Looking for good decision support system dashboards? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples...
Looking for Decision Support System Dashboards - Looking for good decision support system dashboards? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. While other vendors offer advanced tools for operational use only, our software provides easy access and usage to any and all users with unique and intuitive data mashup capabilities. This allows users to combine disparate data from a multitude of supported data sources...
Making an Executive Summary Dashboard - Looking for software for making an executive summary dashboard? InetSoft free and commercial dashboarding tools that help you quickly build and deploy attractive, interactive dashboards. Visit the Style Scope product page to learn more, see examples, view a demo, and read customer reviews. Dashboard reports can be embedded in a Java Server Page (JSP) by using the custom tag library provided with InetSoft's J2EE compliant software. In the HTML head tag, you need to include the report header tag. The only attribute passed to this tag is the reportId. The header tag is responsible for writing java script functions which are used by the report toolbar buttons (mail, export etc)...
Monitoring Dashboard Software Demo - If you're looking for an easy-to-learn tool for monitoring dashboards, evaluate InetSoft's free and commercial applications. With InetSoft, you can create brilliant charts, graphs and other visualizations with just a few clicks of your mouse. Drill down to see exactly the information you need, or build performance dashboards for sharing with anyone. Visit the Style Scope product page to learn more, see examples, view a demo, and read customer reviews. These pages below pertain to InetSoft's executive monitoring dashboard software. Using the SaaS delivery model, InetSoft uses the unique capabilities of cloud computing to bring data visualization to...
Overlabel a Dashboard - On the more obvious end, a happy medium needs to be struck regarding the size of text on your dashboard. Users should never be squinting or straining their eyes to read the labels, but at the same time, labels with unnecessarily large text can crowd out other dashboard elements and make the design cluttered. It's also important to pick communicative labels for charts and axes. It's often better to swap out a technically accurate label for a more colloquial one, such as replacing COUNT(customerID) with "number of customers". As important as it is to choose clear labels, it is possible to overlabel a dashboard. The necessity of axis labels and of chart titles can be determined on a case by case basis...
Pioneering HTML5 Dashboard Builder - Looking for a good HTML5 dashboard builder? InetSoft's pioneering dashboard reporting application produces great-looking web-based reports and dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft's HTML5-based dashboarding software is highly interactive and easy enough to use that business users can explore much data on their own. View a demo...
Read how InetSoft saves money and resources with deployment flexibility. |
Project Status Reporting Solution - Effective project status reporting is essential for an organization's progress and should be implemented at all levels ranging from employees to owners and executives. The right status reporting software will make it easy to keep all of an organization's activities in check. Project managers foremost need project progress and coordination information such as dashboards displaying Gantt charts (see dashboard example). However, the dashboards and reports must be able to go beyond core project management data to give a holistic view of all factors that can impact on-time, on-budget delivery...
Production Managers Need Dashboards - What do production managers need? The answer is a production dashboard to graphically represent the status of each phase of the manufacturing process. InetSoft's Style Intelligence offers informative dashboard displays using various elements, including charts, tables, diagrams, spreadsheets, etc., which are highly interactive and easily deployed. Using performance data and metrics within a company, InetSoft's production dashboard operates to measure business performance, enabling production managers to face any challenges with ease...
Prometheus EAM Reporting Tool - Looking for a good solution for Prometheus dashboard reporting? Mashup your EAM and operations data with other enterprise data for a wider view of company performance. InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking cloud-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft offers ad hoc query and reporting software to build ad hoc queries with a drag and drop designer. The query application includes powerful database access capabilities connecting to disparate data sources and permitting ad hoc query analysis for business users and database analysts alike...
Pure Web App for Dashboarding - A pure web app approach naturally makes the application ideal for in-cloud platforms. The data mashup engine's cache and acceleration power further ensure high performance regardless of deployment choices. Beyond charts and tables, many other familiar user interface components are equally useful in a dashboard setting. InetSoft treats all these components as first class citizens. That gives each component extensive functionality of its own...
“We evaluated many reporting vendors and were most impressed at the speed with which the proof of concept could be developed. We found InetSoft to be the best option to meet our business requirements and integrate with our own technology.”
- John White, Senior Director, Information Technology at Livingston International |
Reporting Resources Contents - This is a table of contents of useful reporting resources related to InetSoft's Style Report Enterprise. Its features are included in InetSoft's flagship business intelligence software for dashboards, reporting, and analytics - Style Intelligence. Report Automation Software - InetSoft's unique and powerful report automation software transcends traditional BI reporting tools by combining user efficiency with productivity. Gathering and analyzing data by hand can become a daunting and ineffective approach in creating reports for your organization. What's more frustrating is doing all the work to get results that doesn't satisfy your needs. Traditional BI methods, although useful, can sometimes feel outdated and slow...
Searching For Good Dashboard Information - Below are some good examples of Information Dashboards. An information dashboard is management tool that allows information, whether it be numerical or text, to be represented in a visual dashboard. Good information dashboards can combine this data into easy to read graphical representations of the business they are analyzing. Information dashboards give management the ability to track and change data when needed in order to make the necessary changes in the workplace. The goal of any business is to maximize profit. Whether you are a small mom & pop store, or you are a corporate mogul, the main objective is to maximize profits...
Self-Service Project Management Dashboards - Visualization dashboards are the most intuitive ways to understand project information. However, not all dashboards are created equal. InetSoft's web app can easily connect to project management data to create self-service dashboards with rich built-in interactivity and customization. Project managers foremost need project progress and coordination information such as dashboards displaying Gantt charts. However, the dashboards must be able to go beyond core project management data to give a holistic view of all factors that can impact on-time, on-budget delivery...
Solution for Freshsales Dashboard Reporting - Looking for a good solution for Freshsales dashboard reporting? InetSoft's pioneering BI application produces great-looking cloud-based dashboards with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop designer. Mashup your sales and other enterprise data for a wider view of performance. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft's Style Intelligence drops into an existing Apache Spark installation. This bring-the-software-to-the-data approach eliminates costly big data movement for analytics and reporting. Style Intelligence can also be deployed with its own built-in Spark cluster...
Student Performance Dashboard Portrayed - The student performance dashboard portrayed below is an example of the intuitive and powerful functionalities that InetSoft's user-friendly analytical dashboards provide organizations across all ranges. A leader in dashboard, reporting, and data mashup solutions, InetSoft offers a solution that is perfect for organizations in need of an easy-to-use, yet more-than-capable software that enhances business operations. This particular chart exemplifies one of many available charts and visuals InetSoft has to offer along with fully customizable filtering/sorting options to magnify the analyzation process...
Ways to Push the Dashboard System - Maybe you want to find better ways to push the dashboard system to the users. Maybe you want to open capabilities to the users who are very active in the system, so a great way to understand how successful your implementation are just by being able to track your adoption. So, I hope this gave you a good understanding of some of the best practices we use to increase our dashboard adoption. We are getting close to the end of this, so we will open up the floor for some questions, but if you are interested to know more about InetSoft and how you can use it to create your own dashboard, you are welcome to contact our team, and you'll be able to get a live way walk through or simply just try it yourself if you wanted to...
When to Incorporate a Dashboard into an Application - Looking for a tool to incorporate a dashboard into a web application? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service dashboard software tailored to embed in cloud-based applications. View a demo and try interactive examples. InetSoft specializes in embeddable dashboard technology and has many application provider clients who have embedded dashboards based on InetSoft technology. This article discusses some of the integration methods for embedding reports and dashboards into other Web-based applications or portals...
Where to Design Dashboards Online - Looking for a good application for designing dashboards online? InetSoft is a pioneer in self-service dashboarding and offers an easy tool for creating them. View a demo and try interactive examples. Visualization tools are software applications that allow users to create charts, images, design, diagrams, or animations to effectively communicate a message...