InetSoft Technology: Embedded Graphs

Embedded graphs can be highly beneficial tools in any industry. These graphs let organizations make better, data-driven decisions and, therefore, enable them to become more competitive and sustainable.

Organizations of all kinds look for tools such as embedded graphs to equip themselves with visual summaries of current, crucial data and to find novel relationships and trends among relevant data, while keeping the information comprehensible and complete.

InetSoft provides a graphing and data access engine that ISV's, SaaS providers, or enterprise developers can use to embed graphs into their applications. Leveraging InetSoft's Style Intelligence, provider solutions will become more attractive to potential and current customers, and enterprise end-users will be more satisfied with their information access.

Evaluate InetSoft for your embedded graph needs.

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InetSoft's embeddable graphs are:

  • Compact
  • Intuitive
  • Informative
  • Easy to use
  • Dynamic
  • Web-based
  • Interactive
  • Visually appealing
  • Data and Graphs

    Today, large amounts of data, some of which is crucial for sustainability, is more readily available. Data is becoming more interconnected and related, which leaves us to learn, understand, and then show what that relationship is. During a time of information overload, embedded graphs are fast becoming a clear, easy, and interactive way of learning about vital data and how it relates to other information. To have graphs embedded means you can view and compare even more information at once.

    Additionally, InetSoft makes it easy for providers and developers to take the next step and add embedded graphs into their applications and websites to help their products seem more comprehensive to their customers. InetSoft's embedded graphs allow both providers and end-users to have control with its flexible, drag-and-drop design with over 30 styles to choose from. It allows users to pull data from any format or location and can handle multiple large data sets at the same time. This makes it possible for trends, patterns, and comparisons to be made that may not have been seen otherwise.

    As an ISV, for example, your customer, a multinational corporation, may want to quickly compare regional sales. InetSoft allows you to easily incorporate embedded graphs into your software to then offer to your customer. Thereafter, it is fully customizable and simple for your customer to use. Embedded graphs offer powerful pictorial representations of different data sets together, and actions resulting from this information can be immense for any organization.

    InetSoft Embedded Graphs:

    - A powerful & robust charting engine through Javascript

    - The ability to embed or host scripts on server & access them via a simple image URL

    -The capacity to mash up disparate data sources

    - A way to handle large amounts of data

    - Rapid chart and graph development

    -A JavaScript API that is easy to learn

    -A drag-and-drop designer

    InetSoft's embedded graphs additional benefits:

    • A charting solution than can scale from small to large numbers of users
    • Flexibility to adapt to changing data structures or information needs
    • High re-use of chart and graph components
    • Many integration points including user management
    • A highly customizable solution ideal for re-branding, tailoring to the target market
    • Flexible licensing options that can match any business model